
Raz-Kids provides hundreds of eBooks at 29 different levels of reading difficulty. Students access books through the Kids A-Z online portal, where they can browse a library of fiction and non-fictions books and choose based on their interests. Some teachers will also use Raz-Kids to assign books and assessments to their students. For each book, students can listen, read at their own pace, and record themselves reading.

Raz-Kids K-2 Portal
Raz-Kids 3-5 Portal

Parent Access

Use the Parent Portal to see which books and activities your child has completed, monitor their progress, and send them messages. To request parent access:

  1. Log in to Kids A-Z as your child (see instructions above).

  2. Click the "Parents" link at the top right of the page .

  3. Follow the instructions to provide an email address.

Your child’s teacher will need to approve the email address before you can see your child's information.