AWRSD Devices

New students are issued a Chromebook upon their enrollment in the district. Chromebooks are collected at the end of fourth grade, eighth grade, and twelfth grade and new/updated devices are issued at the beginning of kindergarten, fifth grade, and ninth grade.

K-2 Chromebooks are stored in special carts or boxes in the classroom, and may be sent home with students at the teacher's discretion. 3-12 students bring their Chromebooks back and forth between home and school daily.

All students have their own Google credentials for logging in to their Chromebooks. Student credentials typically follow this format:

<first initial><middle initial><last name>

Beginning with the class of 2035, Google credentials will follow this format:

<first initial><middle initial><last name>.<year of graduation>

Please contact the homeroom teacher if you need your child's Google credentials.


AWRSD Chromebook Contract 2223.pdf
GetSupport/CleanCB Instructions
Chromebook Troubleshooting.pdf
Clearing Cache and Cookies in Chrome.pdf
STUDENT Securly Notice.pdf
STUDENT Securly Getting Started Guide.pdf

The Chrome Browser

If you are using a personal device, please make sure you are using the Chrome Browser to access school resources. Google Classroom and other Google apps work best in the Chrome web browser.