Mrs Bava's Writing Group

Tuhi with Mrs Barker

Lesson 11 & 12 - Kapa Haka

Learning Intention - to write an independent recount about your experiences during Kapa Haka for 2021.

Success Criteria - to independently write an informative and descriptive recount that paints a picture in the reader's mind about a Kapa Haka.

Writing must include ;

  • planning, correct tense, use of punctuation and a variety of sentence starters.

  • Brainstorm in your book, what words can you use to describe Kapa Haka

  • Record KEY information in your brainstorm . who, what, when, where, see, hear, feel

  • Title, Date, 1, 2, 3 Planning in Google Doc or Writing book.

  • Edit and re-craft your draft writing ready for publishing.


  • In a Google Slide

  • The words MUST be the most important thing on the page

  • You may insert a picture or background as long we can still read your writing

Post to your BLog with Quality STEMS and give feedback on a buddy's Blog post.

Pukeko & Weka

Toroa & Karearea

Whakangahau Group

Lessons 9 & 10 - Whānau, Friends & Fun

Learning Intention - to write an independent recount about a fun time had with whānau or friends.

Success Criteria - to independently write an informative and descriptive recount that paints a picture in the reader's mind about a fun time with whānau or friends

Writing must include ;

  • planning, correct tense, use of punctuation and a variety of sentence starters.

  • Brainstorm in your book, what words can you use to describe a time with whānau & friends

  • Record KEY information in your brainstorm . who, what, when, where, see, hear, feel

  • Title, Date, 1, 2, 3 Planning in Google Doc or Writing book.

What can ideas do you have to write about?

Did you see any fireworks? Been to or had a birthday celebrations? Had fun at the park, beach or pools? Been hunting or fishing? Had a fun day out or trip to the movies ? Done something special with whānau?

Lesson 8 - Wet day at school

Learning Intention - to write a recount about a wet day navigating your way around the school in the rain.

Success Criteria - to write an informative and descriptive recount that paints a picture in the reader's mind about a wet day at school.

Writing must include planning, correct tense, use of punctuation and a variety of sentence starters.

  • Brainstorm as a class, what words can you use to describe a wet, rainy, cold day at school?

  • Brainstorm with the buddy's in your table group about the rain or navigating your way around the school in the rain.

  • Record key information in a brainstorm . who, what, when, where, see, hear, feel

  • Title, Date, 1, 2, 3 Planning in Google Doc or Writing book


Lesson 7 - Linking your mahi

Why do you think it's important to link you mahi? What is the purpose?

How to link...

  • Ensure your named writing Gdoc or Gslide is in your writing folder

  • Click on the share button

  • Make sure the link is Awapuni School

  • Click control C to copy

  • On the tracking sheet highlight your name and click Control K, then Control V to paste the link

  • Your name should now be blue with a line underneath it (which indicates that it has a link)

Today's task is to link all your mahi from this term. To make this easier is your Gdrive tidy??

Lesson 6 - Show don't tell continued

Using the writing technique 'show don't tell' you are going to make your writing come to life

Learning intention:

  • to write about a moment in time you were excited

  • you must use rich descriptive language to make the emotion 'Excited' come to life

Success Criteria:

  • Sequence your recount ideas by using 1, 2, 3 planning

  • Remember to include the title and date

  • You can either write in a Google Doc or your Writing book

  • your writing paints a clear picture in the reader's mind about being excited

I Am Feeling Excited Powerpoint.pptx

Lesson 5 - Show don't tell

Using the writing technique 'show don't tell' you are going to make your writing come to life

Learning intention:

  • you must use rich descriptive language to make emotions come to life

  • you must complete at least 3 'show don't tell' emotions

Success Criteria:

  • your writing allows the reader to confidently state which emotion you have described

  • your writing paints a clear picture in the reader's mind

Lesson 3 & 4 - Finishing off Time

Learning Intention - to complete two published pieces of writing and post to you Blog about your favourite food and the Awapuni Fun Run.

Success Criteria

  • Link mahi to the writing tracking sheet

  • Published mahi completed and printed

  • Have completed to blog posts

Fast finisher extension activity

Write a descriptive recount about Food for Thought visits.

Include Glow, Grow & Go foods.

Lesson 2 - The Great Awapuni Fun Run

Learning Intention - To write an informative and descriptive personal recount that paints a picture in the reader's mind about the fun run.

Success Criteria - Writing must include planning, correct tense, use of punctuation and a variety of sentence starters.

  • Brainstorm with a buddy the order of events and personal highlights from this annual event for Awapuni Kura.

  • Record key information in a brainstorm; who, what, when, where, see, hear, feel

  • Sequence your recount ideas by using 1, 2, 3 planning

  • Remember to include the title and date

  • You can either write in a Google Doc or your Writing book

  • Edit ready for publishing

  • Publish

Fun Run Publishing

Click here to view the photos of the Great Awapuni Fun Run, make a copy of a photo of you and add it to you publishing.

Time to post your publishing to your blog.

Let's refresh what does a good blog post look like?

Lesson 1 - Favourite Foods

Learning Intention - To write a personal recount about a time you were eating your favourite food

  • to use adjectives to describe your favourite food that paints a picture in the reader's mind, include adverbs to describe what you were doing (verbs) in your recount

Success Criteria

  • Have you got a title and planning (who, what, where, when)

  • Check you have correctly sequenced your events using paragraphs

  • Include adjectives (describing words) and verbs (doing verbs) to paint a clear picture

  • Write in the past tense

  • Include senses (see, hear, touch)

  • Editing - ready for Publishing

The reader's mouth should be drooling and they should be hungry for what you have written about!

Remember to post your completed mahi to your blog with quality STEMS.