"We Teach You How to Think"

Made by our Computer and Media Pathway Students

College and Career Fair 2024

We had a successful College and Career Fair with over 50 exhibitions and 16 Guest Speakers! Thank you to all the businesses, colleges, industries, and government departments for joining us yesterday to help AVHS Students prepare for their future!

SkillsUSA Regional Conference 2024

The results are in! 167 of our CTE (Career Technical Education) students who competed in the SkillsUSA Regional Competitions will be advancing to the State Conference, held this April in Ontario, CA!  Our students will be competing across 46 different competitions! We had some students score in the top 3 regionally, receiving in total 39 Gold, 41 Silver, and 19 Bronze medals!  


SkillsUSA is a National Technical Student Organization(CTSO) which is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry, working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. Congrats Sundevils, and shout out to your teachers, who have spent the last 2 months on Saturday's at AVHS for student competitions. We Appreciate You Teachers! Good luck at State Sundevils!

The Career Technical Education (CTE) Programs at Apple Valley High School are robust. We offer cutting-edge, rigorous, and relevant career technical education courses. The staff and community take pride in offering a wide variety of high-impact CTE Courses. Course instruction emphasizes technical skills paired with essential skills in the areas of Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Ethical Behavior, Work Environment, and Work Ethics. CTE Course Pathways include:

Click below to view the flyers

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Animal Science Pathway

Agricultural Mechanics

Manufacturing & Product Development

Machining and Forming Technologies Pathway

Building and Construction Trades

Residential and Commercial Construction Pathway

Engineering & Architecture

Engineering Technology Pathway

Health Science & Medical Technology

Patient Care Pathways

Medical and Health Science Technology (MAHST)

Sports Therapy

Arts, Media & Entertainment

Design, Visual and Media Arts: 

Media Arts Pathway

Graphic Design Pathway

Information and Communication Technologies

Software and Systems Development: Systems Programming Pathway

Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation

Food Service and Hospitality Pathway



What is Career Technical Education (CTE)?

The CTE pathway programs meet at least twice a year in collaboration with the Mountain Desert Career Pathways (MDCP). MDCP is made up of 9 surrounding districts. Collaboration and Articulation meetings occur with all district CTE teachers and instructors from Victor Valley Community College, to discuss courses and complete Articulation alignments. At the Advisory Committee meetings, CTE teachers meet with Industry Partners and work together to ensure the CTE pathways are offering current industry standards and trends. This also provides a time to develop relationships with community industry members who in turn support our programs by guest speaking, providing mentorships, and internships. Apple Valley High School currently has  25 articulated courses with Victor Valley Community College.

The CTE Department provides the students with industry certificates upon completion of a sequence of courses. Precision Exams, Adobe Certificates, Food Handlers Cards, American Heart Association (CPR), Certified Medical Assistant (MA), National Institute of Metalworking Standards (NIMS), and Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) are the types of certificates the student can obtain. These Certificates prepare students to make the transition from school to career and/or to post-secondary education.  

The CTE Department provides the students the opportunity to participate in National Career Technical Student Organizations such as SkillsUSA, FFA, and HOSA. Students compete in skill-based and leadership-based competitions at the regional, state, and national levels.

SkillsUSA State Conference 2023