
This section is a work in progress, while we've tried to uncover as much of the history of this airport as possible, we have yet to gather enough information to provide a detailed account. Please help us out if you have an information.

Business Partners James Honeycutt and Tom Rood purchased Goose Creek Airport in September of 2018 and currently operate the field and flight school under the the umbrella of LOCO Panther Aviation, LLC. While we were part of the Goose Creek community prior to purchasing the field and have made many new friends in the community since, much of the history of Goose Creek Airport is unknown to us.

Many people have called or stopped by to tell us about their personal experiences and express the sentimental value the airport has to them. Based on people's stories we know that the airport property has had several owners through the years and has been the home to a few different flight schools and maintenance shops.

All of that said, here's a few things that we have learned...

  • Operation of the airport appears to have commenced sometime in the late 1960's and according to the FAA The Goose was established as a public use airport in January of 1970.

  • The original runway was in an approximate 09/27 orientation, was grass and can still be seen as you drive into the current airport - it passed through the area between the main hangar and the East-West tree line just north thereof.

  • We are told that The Goose was the home to the busiest Cessna dealership in the southeast, selling more aircraft than any other Cessna dealership East of the Mississippi for may years during the 70s and possibly into the 80s.

  • While we don't know the full chronological history of the airport, what we do know is that its history has been filled with many aviation enthusiasts. Countless pilots have learned to fly here - we hear almost daily from pilots, Millitary, Commercial and Private alike, who earned their wings here at The Goose. Many A&Ps also got their start and/or honed their skills here. In all, many fond memories have already originated here and we aim to ensure that generations of aviators continue to make new memories and call Goose home.

As we continue to gather the specifics of the Goose Creek Airport time line we would love to hear and share your personal stories about this place. Please take a few mins to send us your personal history and experiences at Goose Creek using the form below. If you know specifics on the history we would love to have that information as well. Even if your history at The Goose has just started, we'd still love to hear about it.

Even if you don't have history with, or know any historical facts about, The Goose, you should still swing by and check us out, say hi and join the many people who can proudly say, "I landed at 28A and I got GOOSED!"

Send us an email: 28A@GooseCreekAirport.com

Visit our Facebook Page: @TheNewGooseCreekAirport