Airport Services

Airport Services


  • 100LL: fuel is available for $8.12/gallon

  • Irregular office hours, Call 704-614-3084 for information - especially if outside normal business hours.

Overnight Fee (General Aviation)

  • $10.00 per night

  • Call for longer term temporary arrangements

Landing and Parking (Commercial Operations)

  • Arrangements for any/all commercial operations at 28A must be made by written agreement with the ariport manager prior to commencement.

Hangars, Tie-downs and Land Leases (Non-Commercial)


    • Unfortunately, due to excessive demand, there is a wait list for Hangars.

    • The wait time will vary depending upon the size/dimensions of the hangar desired/needed.

    • Hangars are priced according to size, condition and amenities.

    • If you are interested in getting on the wait list for a hangar please send an email to and we will add you to the list.


    • Tie-down spots are available for $55/Month with a 1 year lease.


    • We are not currently offering any new land lease agreements, but plan to do so in the near future.

    • When land leases do become available, there will be various options available. Please contact us if you are interested to help us gauge interest.


    • Contact the airport manager for any/all commercial use/operation information.

    • For any Hangar, Tie-Down or Land Lease Inquiries, please send an email to with the following information:

      1. Full Name:

      2. Phone Number:

      3. Aircraft Type/Tail Number:

      4. Date Interested:

Aircraft Maintenance Services:

  • Provided on Field by our most excellent partner Neil Stewart/Goose Creek Air Care.

    • Neil's services include all aspects of aircraft maintenance - click here Aircraft Maintenance to go to our Maintenance Services page:

Fight School:

  • Our goal is to ensure that we are able to help you attain your dream of piloting an aircraft as safely and inexpensively as possible. To do that, we offer the following:

    • Absolutely the best local rates for both aircraft and instructors.

    • Highly skilled instructors with thousands of flight hours.

    • Multiple different aircraft models, equipped with various avionics packages to best fit your needs for each and every phase of training

    • Click here to go to our flight school page for more datails now!

Club Plane/Fractional Ownership Management

      1. Own an airplane and are interested in reducing ownership costs?

      2. Always wanted to own an airplane, but don't think you can afford it?

      3. Want to have access to multiple types of aircraft without breaking the bank?

If the answer to one or more of the above questions is yes, then a partial/fractional ownership may be a great solution. If you think it may be, or just want to discuss options/benefits, let us know - we can help!