Clinton College

Virtual Tour & Presentation

Virtual Tour & Presentation

Presentation Highlights

Clinton College FAQs

Do you have any programs or services regarding workforce and career development to help them with their success in society after their college career?

So, I know with our trio program, there are several programs and events a day, they plan to engage students for workforce preparedness, such as interview skills. They had a workshop that promoted: What do you do when preparing for an interview? How to create your resumé, how to create your business plan, how to market yourself. So, when you go out into the business and workforce, you are able to be as marketable as some of your counterparts.

What are some of the myths about attending a small college or being on a smaller campus versus choosing some of the larger institutions?

So because we are a small institution and I've gone on several college tours and college fairs and they say to us, how does Clinton compare? How do you compete to these other institutions? And I simply tell them we are not in competition. But what Clinton does, we do we do extremely well. And so at Clinton, we are really big on being a family oriented school. And although some of the larger institutions you able to build some form of a of a community, you don't get that experience like you get it at Clinton. We are a community. We are a family.

What kind of sports do you offer?

We offer basketball, men’s, and women's basketball currently, but we are in the communications of increasing our athletic programs.

Do you offer nursing programs?

We do not offer a nursing program specifically. However, we do provide opportunities for students to come on campus and transfer into a nursing program. And we offer our biology degree as well as a natural science degree. So a lot of our students who are interested in nursing because whatever reason, maybe they did not get into their first choice or they did not have the S.A.T. or ACT scores. We can still provide them that leeway into their nursing program.

Do you have study abroad programs?

We do have global studies, a global learning platform where our nontraditional students, if they are working a full time job, we don't have the flexibility to come onto campus. We do have a global learning platform where you can take your courses remotely. Now, that is a five-week intensive course. And so it is specifically geared for the adult learner.

What are some scholarships you offer?

We do offer scholarship opportunities. Of course, we provide a presidential scholarship as well as a merit scholarship. They are based on your GPA, our presidential 3.5-4.0, and then our merit, 2.5+.

Some of our programs, athletic programs can provide scholarships like our cheerleaders, our athletic teams, drumline different things like that will provide scholarship opportunities. And we do a scholarship matching program. If a student is offered a scholarship from their church, we will match that scholarship up to five hundred dollars.