2023 CAP Program Flyer.pdf

About the Program

The College Access Program (CAP) hosts events to help students decide which college is right for them. Students and alumni connect directly with college representatives at virtual and in-person events. We share the latest news regarding on-campus opportunities, programs, and events providing students access to college facilities, professors, clubs, and civic and campus organizations. College Fairs and FAFSA nights are regularly available. CAP assists learners with preparing and coordinating placement tests and waivers of application fees. 

The College Access Program collaborates with colleges and universities, primarily in the 1890 Land-Grant System and Learn4Life schools. Recently CAP has expanded to include colleges outside of the 1890 System to add more post-secondary options for Learn4Life students. Together, CAP and collaborating Higher Education Institutions nationwide seek to strengthen and promote college access, readiness, enrollment, and persistence opportunities for students and alumni. 

We offer ongoing academic and social support to students who would like a partner in their transition to life after high school, help with needed paperwork, and ensure that before the start of each semester, we connect enrolled students with counselors and advisors to answer any questions. Additionally, students and alumni are eligible to receive scholarships to attend many of the participating colleges. We are committed to helping you financially so that you can focus on your education. 

Watch a short introductory video and enjoy browsing the CAP website! 

Email us with any questions, we'd love to hear from you.

College information and personalized matching with colleges and universities based on student data amd admission requirements.

Financial guidance and scholarship opportunities.

Assistance applying and enrolling in college.

Reduced application cost.

Support of dedicated CAP team: acdemic and mental health check-ins, personalized retention plan, contact for questions/issues as they arise.

Resources and networks to excel in courses, persist and graduate.