Meet The 7th Grade ELA Teachers 

Melanie Krumrey

Mrs. Krumrey just completed her second full year as a 7th grade ELA teacher at Kealing.  Prior to that she taught 1st grade at Palm Elementary in AISD and in a Classical Education High School program in Massachusetts. Mrs. Krumrey also teaches the Teen Storytelling and Harry Potter electives.


Aly Minkoff

Ms. Minkoff just completed her second year as a 7th grade ELA teacher at Kealing. She previously taught 9th grade English at a high school in NYC (she moved to Austin two years ago and is pursuing her master's degree in Language and Literacy Studies at UT!). Ms. Minkoff also teaches the Inkblot Literary Magazine and Harry Potter electives. She can't wait to meet all the new 7th graders!


Clara Payan

This is Ms. Payan's second year at Kealing Middle School. She loves teaching 7th-grade English Language Arts and Psychology. When she is not teaching, Ms. Payan is probably reading, at the gym, watching Gilmore Girls, or planning her next Disney trip!


Eudocio Garcia

Mr. Garcia has been at Kealing Middle School for the past 16 years.  He has taught 6th, 7th, and 8th grade English/Language Arts, as well as several electives over his time here at Kealing.  Mr. Garcia currently teaches 7th Grade ELA, Graphic Novels as Literature, and the Star Wars elective.
