See, Run, Do


What Is It?

See, Run, Do is a n icebreaker and team building activity that tests students’ communication skills and creativity. It is a great activity to use as an introduction to a topic or unit.

Why Use It?

Team building activities and playful engagement activities help build a positive community within the classroom that lends itself to shared responsibility.

Instructional Steps:

Get Ready:

1. Construct a 3-D energy collage or scene. The collage can use markers, paper, streamers, cotton balls, paper bags, toys, etc. Incorporate as much or as little of a challenge as you’d like.

2. Gather materials for students to use to recreate your collage. Be sure to include the materials you used in the original, plus some others of varied colors, textures, etc. Create art stations with materials for students to recreate the original.

3. Set up the collage in a part of the room where it will be hidden, in the hallway, or in a separate room as space and supervision allow.

4. Set a boundary line with masking tape between the collage and the area where artwork will occur. The boundary should be placed so that runners may not see the collage as they approach its hidden location.

5. Make a set of name tags for each student group that include “SEE”, “RUN”, and “DO.” 6. Secure an impartial judge for the final work, if necessary.

Get Set:

1. Place students in groups of 3-5.

2. Explain to the groups that they will each assume a role. One person from each group will be a “See-er”, one person will be a “Runner”, and the remaining student(s) will assume the role of “Do-er”. Ask students to choose their roles and wear a name tag for their chosen role. 3. Ask the “Do-ers” to pick their home base area where they will assemble their collages, Show the “Runners” and “See-ers” the boundary lines that they may not cross. Take the “See-ers” to the sheltered collage area where the original is placed.


1. Explain the goal and rules for the game by reading the following: Each group will work together to re-create the collage or scene that is hidden. The only person who can look at it, however, is the person who has chosen to be the See-er. The See-er. will stay by the collage and observe it. See-ers will meet the Runners at the boundary line and share information about what they see and how to recreate what they see. The Runners will return to the home base to communicate instructions to the Do-ers. Do-ers will remain at home base, using the art supplies provided to recreate the original based on their instructions. Runners can go back and forth as many times as they need in the time allotted to ask questions and take instructions from the See-ers.

2. After the allotted time, bring together all of the recreated collages and post on the wall for all to see. Have the class discuss the differences, accuracies, and inaccuracies about each version. The class can vote on the most accurate recreation, or an impartial judge can do the voting. Award groups prizes if you desire.

Quick Tips


Did you know?

  • Need more information about this strategy? Contact your campus' MTSS coach.