Chunk & Chew


What Is It?

Chunk and Chew is an instructional strategy where the instructor delivers 10 minutes of content (chunk) and then is followed by 2 minutes of student processing and reflection (chew).

Why Use It?

This strategy creates comprehensible input and increases engagement by chunking the amount of information students receive and allowing them time to internalize their learning.

Instructional Steps:

Chunk stage: As part of the lesson planning process, identify places where new information can be broken into smaller “chunks”. Plan to present each chunk of new information in a maximum of 10 minute blocks. During this time, students will listen, take notes, etc. as they normally do.

Chew stage: At the end of each block of instruction, provide students with opportunities to “chew” or process the new information. The processing strategies employed, and the subsequent “chewing” time, will vary depending on the type of processing strategy used. For example, reflection on how the information is relevant in the real world, think-pair-share, writing or sketching related to the new information, small group activity, etc.

Quick Tips

  • Embed check for understanding strategies in your "chunk" stage to ensure students are comprehending.


Did you know?

  • This strategy is also known as "10-2."