Library Policies + Procedures

Books and materials for each campus library are selected by the campus librarian based on multiple criteria, including the Board-approved selection policy for Instructional Resources (EF); best practices for school library collection development; professional knowledge of children's and/or YA literature, campus academic needs, student interests, campus and community culture, etc.; and available funding. The policy includes a procedure for requesting reconsideration of an item in a library collection. Click the section title for more information and links. 

All campus library collections must be inventoried every school year. Campus administrators can click on the section title for an overview of this requirement. Librarians can click here for more detailed information on inventory protocols and procedures.

The Library Media Services department provides laptops and desktop computers with the library system software installed for each campus librarian and library, respectively. Click the section title for more information about policies and procedures.

Unsolicited donations are items that someone wants to donate to your library that you didn't ask for and that are not part of a program you are running (i.e. Birthday books, book drives, Book Fair donations, etc.)  Click the section title for more information.

The PRL @Metz provides all AISD staff with access to resources to use in instruction and for professional learning. Click the section title for more information on what resources are available, how to access them, and what the policies are for using them.

AISD departments who wish to add curricular materials to the professional section of campus library collections should work with the AISD Library Specialist to do so. Click the section title for information for more information on the procedures and policies.

The AISD Cataloging Librarian loads vendor-provided MARC records into the District's online library catalog, and also provides original cataloging services for materials acquired by campus libraries that do not come with cataloging and cannot be copy-cataloged by the campus librarian. Due to reduced LMC staffing, each campus is limited as to how many items can be sent for original cataloging at once, so that we may provide equitable access to services. Click the section title above for details. 

Copyright Policy and Resources

Copyright Policy can also be found in the District & Board docs.

If you have not had any recent exposure to copyright and fair use discussions, this is a very helpful resource: UT Copyright Crash Course

The Library Media Services department administrates an email listserve to faciliate communication between all district library staff at the campus and district level. Click the section title for guidelines for using this valuable resource.

Student First Name Change/Preferred

If a student prefers to be identified by a first name that is different from their legal first name, the district has a process for this. When the change is made following this process, it will be reflected in WorkFlows after the next user data upload.