Webinar Series I

​Maintaining Family Well-Being During Covid-19

Maintaining Family Well-Being During COVID-19 Webinar Series

This is the first of the AUSD Student Employee Welfare/Gateway to Success Webinar Series. This webinar provides many tips and suggestions to support families and provide resources and activities to support wellness at home. We would like to thank Foothill Family for their efforts in creating this presentation and delivering it in English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Spanish; and to Asian Pacific Family Center for their support of the presentation in Vietnamese.


Seminario Web: Manteniendo el bienestar familiar durante Covid-19


Hội thảo trên mạng: Duy trì Hạnh phúc Gia đình trong Thời gian COVID-19


網絡研討會主題: 在新冠肺炎期間維繫家庭幸福


网络研讨会主题: 在新冠肺炎期间维系家庭幸福