Rangeview Counseling
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How can the RHS Counseling Department help?
?Cómo pueden los consejeros ayudarles?
RHS counselors are available to talk about social, emotional, career and academic issues. Depending on the issue, you may be advised to make an appointment.
Los consejeros de Rangeview están disponibles para hablar de temas sociales, emocionales, académicos o de la carrera. Es posible que le recomendaría programar una cita.
What if it is personal? If you need to talk to someone as soon as possible about a personal issue, let the counseling secretary know that “it is personal” and that you need to talk to a counselor as soon as possible. There is always a counselor on duty, or “Counselor of the Day” who is available for emergencies. If it's not an emergency, make an appointment with your counselor.
Si es algo personal? Si necesita comunicar con alguien tan pronto como posible de un tema personal, le avisa la secretaria que necesita comunicarse con un consejero tan pronto como posible y que su situación “es personal.”
Mediation – Sometimes students need an adult to help them have a productive conversation. Counselors have a lot of experience with facilitating tough conversations.
Mediación- A veces estudiantes necesitan asistencia de un adulto para tener un conversación productivo. Consejeros saben facilitar conversaciones difíciles y tienen mucha experiencia.
My problems extend to my family – Counselors are very aware of the resources available for students and families. If you or your family is struggling, whether emotionally or with a family matter, we can connect you to resources in the community. Some of those outside resources are available at RHS.
Mis problemas afectan mi familia también - Consejeros saben de muchos recursos disponibles para estudiantes y sus familias. Si usted o su familia está en apuros, emocionalmente o con otro tema familiar, podemos proporcionarles con recursos en la comunidad. Algunos de esos recursos están disponibles en Rangeview.
ICAP – The state of Colorado requires that every student has an Individual Career and Academic Plan. Counselors can help with ICAP tasks and activities. Students and parents are welcome to come to the Post-Grad Center on Wednesdays to get help with college, career, scholarships or anything post-secondary readiness related.
ICAP - El gobierno de Colorado requiere que cada estudiante tiene un “Individual Career and Academic Plan.” Consejeros les pueden ayudar con las tareas y actividades de ICAP. El miércoles el “Post-Grad Center” está a su disposición a estudiantes y los padres para recibir asistencia con la facultad, carrera, becas o cualquiera cosa relacionado planes terciarios.
Who is my counselor? Students are welcome to talk to any counselor they feel comfortable with. Your assigned counselor is for academic issues, and is based on student last names. See the Meet the Team page to see who your assigned counselor is.
?Quien es mi consejero? Estudiantes pueden comunicarse con cualquiera consejero con quien sienten cómodos. Su consejero asignado es para los temas académicos.
If you are in crisis or need help dealing with one, call this toll-free number to reach Colorado Crisis Services:
1-844-493-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 38255 to speak to a trained professional. Colorado Crisis Services provides confidential and immediate support, 24/7/365.