Privacy and Security

All materials, including lesson plans, videos, and handouts are graciously provided, free of charge, by Common Sense Education®. To access these materials, you will need to create a Common Sense Education® account.

You can access the entire Common Sense Media digital citizenship curriculum here.


Media Balance is Important

Students consider the feelings of themselves and others when making decisions about when, where, and how much to use technology.

Learning Objectives:

  • Know when and why to take breaks from device time.

  • Consider the feelings of people around them, even when engaged in fun online activities.

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Safety in My Online Neighborhood

The power of the internet allows students to experience and visit places they might not be able to see in person. But, just like traveling in the real world, it's important to be safe when traveling online. On this virtual field trip, kids can practice staying safe on online adventures.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover that the internet can be used to visit faraway places and learn new things.

  • Compare how staying safe online is similar to staying safe in the real world.

  • Explain rules for traveling safely on the internet.

View the Lesson Plan

1st Grade

Pause and Think Online

How can we be safe, responsible and respectful online?

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of being safe, responsible, and respectful online.

  • Learn the "Pause & Think Online" song to remember basic digital citizenship concepts.

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Internet Traffic Light

Staying safe online is a lot like staying safe in the real world. Using a fun traffic light activity, students learn how to identify "just right" content, giving them the green light to learn, play, and explore the internet safely.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand that being safe online is similar to staying safe in real life.

  • Learn to identify websites and apps that are "just right" and "not right" for them.

  • Know how to get help from an adult if they are unsure about a website.

View the Lesson Plan

2nd Grade

We, the Digital Citizens

Students explore the amazing possibilities that come with using technology. They'll also learn from the Digital Citizens, who take a pledge to be safe, responsible, and respectful when traveling through the online world.

  • Understand that being a good digital citizen means being safe and responsible online.

  • Take a pledge to be a good digital citizen.

View the Lesson Plan

That's Private!

Staying safe online is a lot like staying safe in the real world. By helping a Digital Citizen sign up for a new app, students learn about the kinds of information they should keep to themselves when they use the internet -- just as they would with a stranger in person.

  • Recognize the kind of information that is private.

  • Understand that they should never give out private information online.

View the Lesson Plan

3rd Grade

Password Power Up!

Stronger, more secure online passwords are a good idea for everyone. But how can we help kids create better passwords and actually remember them? Use the tips in this lesson to help kids make passwords that are both secure and memorable.

  • Define the term "password" and describe a password's purpose.

  • Understand why a strong password is important.

  • Practice creating a memorable and strong password.

View the Lesson Plan

4th Grade

Private and Personal Information

It's in our students' nature to share and connect with others. But sharing online comes with some risks. How can we help kids build strong, positive, and safe relationships online? Help your students learn the difference between what's personal and what's best left private.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the reasons why people share information about themselves online.

  • Explain the difference between private and personal information.

  • Explain why it is risky to share private information online.

View the Lesson Plan

5th Grade

You Won't Believe This

The internet is full of catchy headlines and outrageous images, all to make us curious and get our attention. But kids don't usually realize: What you click on isn't always what you get. Show your students the best ways to avoid clickbait online.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define "the curiosity gap."

  • Explain how clickbait uses the curiosity gap to get your attention.

  • Use strategies for avoiding clickbait.

View the Lesson Plan

6th Grade

Don't Feed the Phish

Internet scams are part of being online today, but many kids might not be aware of them. How do we help our students avoid being tricked into clicking malicious links or giving out private information? Use this lesson to help kids avoid online identity theft and phishing schemes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Compare and contrast identity theft with other kinds of theft.

  • Describe different ways that identity theft can occur online.

  • Use message clues to identify examples of phishing.

View the Lesson Plan

7th Grade

Big, Big Data

Every time we go online, we're giving away information about ourselves. But just how much data are companies collecting from us? Hint: It's probably a lot more than we realize. Show your students these three tips on how to limit the data that companies collect.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain why information about them and their behaviors is valuable to companies.

  • Analyze how certain types of data are used by companies.

  • Learn three strategies to limit individual data collection by companies.

View the Lesson Plan

8th Grade

Being Aware of What You Share

Kids share a lot of information whenever they go online -- sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. But do they understand that online privacy isn't just what they say and post? Help your students learn about their digital footprints and the steps they can take to shape what others find and see about them.

Learning Objectives:

  • Reflect on the concept of privacy, including what they feel comfortable sharing and with which people.

  • Analyze different ways that advertisers collect information about users to send them targeted ads.

  • Identify strategies for protecting their privacy, including opting out of specific features and analyzing app or website privacy policies.

View the Lesson Plan