Frequently Asked Questions

Chances are you have some questions about your participation in the ASCENT program. Below are questions that commonly come up and a brief answer. If you have additional questions please reach out via the Contact tab!

What is required of me as an ASCENT Scholar?

  • Be an engaged learner...this is your future career you're working on!

  • Be enrolled and pass with a C or better, a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester (part-time status is available)

  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher

  • Attend required events & support programming

  • Openly communicate and work cooperatively with your ASCENT Advisor

Can I take online classes?

  • Full time students can take up to 2 online classes and part-time students can take 1 each semester

  • All online classes must be approved by the ASCENT Specialist. Online science & math classes are typically NOT approved

  • Online classes do not have live instruction or established meeting times

Can I work while an ASCENT student?

  • Attending college classes full-time is equivalent to a full-time job. It is not impossible to attend school full-time and work however, studies find that full-time students do best when they work 8-15 hours a week. We agree with the studies!

Do I get to graduate with my high school class?

  • Yes! You worked hard these past four years so we sure hope you will participate in your class graduation festivities.

When do I get my diploma?

  • While you are encouraged to participate in all graduation activities, you will not technically graduate and receive your diploma until your ASCENT year is complete.

What if I don’t pass a class?

  • If you are going to class, submitting all assignments, and maintaining communication with your instructors and advisor, this should not be an issue.

  • If you receive an F or withdraw from a class, you may be removed from the ASCENT program but we'll process that together and figure out what makes sense for you moving forward.

If participating in the MSU Denver program do I have to live on campus?

  • MSU does not have an on-campus living requirement. As a student you will receive a RTD/Light rail pass and we encourage you to use it to commute to and from campus.