CCA Concurrent Enrollment

CCA Concurrent Credit

CTE Pathway Program is an exciting partnership between the Community College of Aurora (CCA) and Aurora Public Schools (Aurora Central High School).  It is designed to increase the number of high school students earning college credit.  The program allows eligible sophmomores, juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school.  APS and CCA forged this partnership to challenge students in three ways.

Post Secondary Enrollment Options/High School is available for sophomores, juniors and seniors to earn dual credit (for both high school and college transcripts) for classes taught within their home high school either by an instructor from CCA or by a high school teacher who has earned adjunct college instructor status.  Tuition for higher education courses shall be paid by APS in accordance with the qualifications of the PACESetter Program.

Post Secondary Enrollment Options/ Community College of Aurora is available for juniors and seniors to take courses at the CCA campus for both high school and college credit.  Tuition for higher education courses shall be paid by APS in accordance with the qualifications of the PACESetter Program.

The ASCENT is available for students who have completed the requirements for high school graduation and who choose to take additional higher education courses during an additional year of school. Tuition for higher education courses shall be paid by APS in accordance with the qualifications of the PACE Setter Program. Students will then recieve their high school diploma at the end of that additional year of school. Students will walk with their graduating class. There are three secondary institutions that participate in Ascent: Community College of Aurora, Pickens Technical College and Metropolitan State University.

These dual credit opportunities are offered at students’ home high schools, Pickens Technical College, or the Community College of Aurora and other post secondary institutions.  Dual credit simply means that the course work can count on the student’s high school transcript and on a transcript at the sponsoring post secondary institution.  Note that each course and program has its own application process, specific credit availability, and may require additional fees.  Students should contact their school counselors to find out more about these opportunities.

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What is CE??.MOV

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