Week 3 and 4

Here you will find the choice boards for weeks 3 and 4. Again, these are CHOICE boards for a reason. We do NOT expect your child to complete everything. If you prefer to print the resources there are links to download and print the activities on each subject's board.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Math Choice Board Weeks 3 & 4 (1).pdf
Reading Choice Board Weeks 3 & 4.pdf
_Science Choice Board Weeks 3 and 4 (1).pdf
Google Class. VA Studies Board_ Week 3 & 4 (1).pdf
Writing Choice Board 1.pdf
WES Specials Bingo #2 (3-5).pdf

Math Videos Link:

Mrs. Weaver has created some helpful videos to help demonstrate computation methods for skills you will find on our Math CHOICE boards. We hope these will be useful!