Daily Life

Time Zone

Part of the year, El Salvador is on Central Standard Time. However, El Salvador does not observe Daylight Savings Time. The time in El Salvador will be one hour behind Central Standard Time during Daylight Savings Time.


The following are average temperatures, not the extremes. As in the United States, weather patterns can vary frequently. We recommend checking weather sites on the Internet for the region and time of year you will be traveling.

El Salvador has two distinct seasons: rainy and dry. The rainy season extends from May to October. During this time it rains frequently, and the total monthly rainfall may range from 5 to 11 inches. It is also very warm, with temperatures ranging from 80° to 95°F during the day. During the dry season (November to April), it is hot and rain is infrequent (one or two days per month). February through May is usually the hottest time of the year with temperatures reaching between 90° and 100°F.


El Salvador uses the U.S. dollar as its official currency. There is no need to change money.

Most participants find $150-$250 to be sufficient spending money for a two-week program to El Salvador. Of course, how much you bring should depend on your personal spending habits. Remember that all meals and programs expenses are covered in your program cost.

It is helpful to have some cash in small bills. Try to bring new bills, as some past participants have encountered difficulty in changing bills that are worn, written upon or torn. We strongly encourage you to bring a money belt.

Plan to bring mostly cash. ATMs can be found, but access to international networks is limited. If you bring an ATM card, make sure it has the PLUS and/or CIRRUS logos. A Visa or MasterCard may be used for cash advances in local currency at Credomatic offices as well as some banks.

Credit cards also are accepted in some shops and restaurants. It is a good idea to call your credit card company to let them know that you will be using you card outside of the United State for a set time period. Some people encounter trouble using a credit card abroad because the credit card company assumes it has been stolen.