Welcome families, friends, and AJE community!
About me
My name is Isamar Valdez and I am the counselor at Arthur Jacobsen Elementary.
I was born and raised in Dinuba, CA and moved to WA in 2017. I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology that I received as a first generation student at Humboldt State University. I then pursued my lifelong goal of becoming a school counselor and completed my Master's of Education degree in Professional School Counseling from City University of Seattle.
Fun facts: I have a dog named Frida and a cat named Row. I enjoy arts, crafts, and baking!
(hablo español)
What do School Counselors do?
Elementary school counselors support the academic, social, and emotional well-being of students in the elementary school setting through:
School-wide Support: Provide social emotional learning opportunities to all students for bullying prevention, self-regulation, problem solving, etc.
Group Counseling: Students are referred for small group sessions that cover topics such as friendship, problem solving, study skills, and others identified by student needs.
1:1 Counseling: Support students experiencing family problems, anxiety, grief, or any other challenges that might affect a child's well-being and performance in school. School counselors do NOT provide long-term or therapy services.
Referrals to Specialized Services: Connect families to local mental health organizations, assist with McKinney Vento paperwork, provide support for foster youth.
Need help?
In non-emergency situations, students, parents, and guardians may reach out to me through email ivaldez@auburn.wednet.edu or via school office number (253)931-4960.
In life threatening emergencies, please call: 911
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, please call: 988
During emergencies that are non-life threatening, please consider these resources:
24 Hour King County Crisis and Commitment Services: 206-263-9200
Crisis Connection: 206-461-3222 OR 1-866-427-4747
Guided Pathways: 253-236-8466