Submission Form

Keep track of the activities you complete in the Submission form below by checking off "completed" for each activity that you finish. You may re-enter the form as many times as you need by clicking on "edit my response" and don't forget to scroll to the bottom of the form each time to click "submit" so that the changes are saved. For each activity that you complete, you must enter the work/evidence into a copy of this Google doc template which you should copy and save to your Google Drive.

**Remember: You must scroll to the bottom of the submission form to click submit each time you "edit your response."

Additional Important Information

*Students MUST log-in to their account for access to the summer reading submission form!

*New students enrolled during the summer should email: for help accessing a school assigned Google account.

Helpful Tips

  1. Make sure that EACH activity that you check off has been completed and documented with evidence in the Google doc template that you copied and saved to your google drive.
  2. Links that you enter MUST be shared so that they can be viewed publicly by anyone with the link. Otherwise, we can't see your work. PLEASE check you links!!
  3. It is a good idea to keep backup copies of your work.
  4. Not EVERYTHING goes on Twitter. You shouldn't be posting answers to questions on social media. Read each activity carefully and follow directions!