February 4 Assignments


*IXL app Math First Grade -

D.9 - Addition facts to 20

E.7 - Complete the Addition Sentence - Make 10

Students should only work on this for no longer than 15 minutes. If not completed after 15 minutes, we will complete at a later time.


1.Ordinals assignment

2. Missing Number Assignment

Teen Numbers: Find some objects at home and make groups of ten and some more to represent a teen number. For example ten legos and 5 more makes 15 or ten pennies and 7 more makes 17. Please make four different combinations and use your iPad to take a picture of each one.

Math Seeds- do 3 rounds of Mental Math Minutes and then work for 10-15 minutes in the lessons.

Reading & Phonics:

Seesaw app: Read and reread the passage titled “Plum Cake, Yum!” for fluency. When you can read it fluently, record yourself reading this passage using the Seesaw app.

IXL app: 1st Grade - Language Arts (You will have to switch it at the top from Math to Language Arts.) Students should only work on this for no longer than 15 minutes. If not completed after 15 minutes, we will complete at a later time.

  1. X.3 - What Am I?

  2. EE.1 - Complete the sentence with a noun to match the picture

Journal - Answer the following question and tell why or why not. Write at least 2 complete sentences and draw a picture to match.

*** If you could go anywhere in the world, where would youo go?

Word Practice: Choose a fun way to practice the following words. Examples might be writing with markers or a colorful pen, using legos or playdough to form them, or writing in shaving cream. Take a picture with your iPad of you practicing.

Words: bridge, catches, shells, try, smile, cute, huge, & face

Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics app - 10 minutes each

In Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics, please make sure you are working on a lesson.

February 3 Assignments


* Math Book - Chapter 5 - Lesson 3 - Pages 359 - 362 - Count by Tens Using Dimes -On page 359, there is a cash register on this page with a picture of a front and back of a dime. You are to circle the dimes in the cash register then count how many dimes and then count by tens to find how many cents are in the register. Page 360 - Look at the example at the top of the page and then complete the problems 1, 2, & 3 with help if needed. Try 361 on your own. Page 362, grown-ups can read the problems to you and you can solve them on your own or do them together. Page 363 & 364 - My Homework is optional for additional practice if wanted or needed.

*IXL app Math First Grade -A.8 - Skip Count by Tens AND E.7 Complete the Addition Number Sentence (Make 10) - Students should only work on this for no longer than 15 minutes. If not completed after 15 minutes, we will complete at a later time.

Counting Dimes- Find some dimes around your house and practice counting different amounts of dimes to practice counting by 10’s. If you don’t have dimes, you can use buttons, cereal, legos, etc. and pretend they are dimes.

*MathSeeds app - do 3 rounds of Mental Math Minutes and then work for 10-15 minutes in the lessons.

Reading & Phonics:

* Seesaw app: Read and reread the passage titled “Luke Gets Bugs” for fluency. Record yourself reading this passage using the Seesaw app.

* IXL 1st Grade - Language Arts (You will have to switch it at the top from Math to Language Arts.) R.1 Put Two Syllable Words Together (Only work for 15 minutes)

Digraphs: Find an object for each of the following digraphs - ch, sh, wh, & th and take a picture with your iPad. Examples: chips, chair, sandwich, shoes, shirt, fish, white, wheel, whisk, thumb, three, math,)

Journal - Answer the following question. Write at least 2 complete sentences and draw a picture to match.

*** What is your favorite thing to do in the snow?

*Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics app - 10 minutes each

In Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics, please make sure you are working on a lesson.

Epic: This is an optional activity. Epic can only be accessed during school hours. Choose a book to read/listen to.

February 2 Assignments


* Math Book - Chapter 5 - Lesson 2 - Pages 353 - 356 - Tens - On page 353, if you don’t have cubes, you can use any item in which you have enough to count to 30. Page 354 and 355 - Look at the example at the top of 354 - Complete the problems 1 and 2 with help if needed then try 355 on your own. Page 356, grown-ups can read the problems to you and you can solve them on your own or do them together. Page 357 & 358 - My Homework is optional for additional practice if wanted or needed.

*IXL app Math First Grade -A.29 - Ordinals Students should only work on this for no longer than 15 minutes. If not completed after 15 minutes, we will complete at a later time.

Seesaw app - Counting Ten and Some More Assignment Students should only work on this for no longer than 15 minutes. If not completed after 15 minutes, we will complete at a later time.

Find a group of objects - pennies, buttons, cotton balls, cereal, etc. Group the objects into groups of 10’s and then count by tens to see how many you have in all. Take a picture with your iPad to show your answer.

*MathSeeds app - 15 minutes

Reading & Phonics:

* Seesaw app: Read and reread the passage titled “The Maze Game” for fluency. Record yourself reading this passage using the Seesaw app.

*Boom Cards app - CVCE Words Spelling assignment

* IXL 1st Grade - Language Arts (You will have to switch it at the top from Math to Language Arts.) Start at N. 1 and when finished go onto N.2 and then onto N.3 and N.4. (Only work for 15 minutes)

Journal - Answer the following question and tell why or why not. Write at least 2 complete sentences and draw a picture to match.

*** Do you like snow?

*Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics app - 10 minutes each

In Reading Eggs and Fast Phonics, please make sure you are working on a lesson.

November 22 Assignments


Missing Beginning Blends - worksheet

IXL Language Arts - M.2 Sort Short & Long Vowel Words

Fast Phonics - 10 minutes


Read Squids - worksheet

IXL Language Arts - X.2 (Inferencing) What will happen next?

Reading Eggs - 10 minutes


The Fact Family - worksheet*

Fact Family - worksheet*

IXL Math - I.1 Relate Addition & Subtraction Sentences

Math Seeds - 10 minutes

*If you do not have scissors and glue just write in the answers where they go.

All worksheets came home in your child's red folder today.

September 22, 2021 Assignments


1. *OG Word Reading & OG Memory Words

2. *A Fish for Lin

3. IXL Language Arts L.1 - Identify the short vowel sound in the word (no more than 15 minutes)

4. 15 minutes Fast Phonics

5. 15 minutes Reading Eggs


1. *Fluency Page (front and back)

2. IXL Math D.6 - Addition word problems (no more than 15 minutes)

3. 15 minutes Math Seeds

*this item can be found in your child’s red folder