Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can participate at E.A.R. Day?
    • Anyone between the ages 5-18 and who are Deaf and/or Hard-of-Hearing, along with parents, siblings, and friends. If you have a child under the age of 5, you are welcome to attend along with your child, however some of the activities might not be ideal due to their age. You and your child are welcome to participate with any group, join the parent sessions, and visit the vendor tables.
  • My child only speaks ASL, are there interpreters?
    • Yes! When you fill out the registration form we will ask you what language your child speaks. We will have interpreters for the participants and the parent sessions.
  • What do parents do while the participants are doing activities?
    • We will have parent sessions and vendor tables set up for you while your child(ren) are with their groups and group leaders.
  • Do I have to stay the entire event?
    • No you do not, however we do encourage you to attend the parent portion. We will have forms filled out when the participants are checked in and your participant will be assigned a number, you will be given a tag to use when it is time for the day to end and numbers matched with your participants number. If you are dropping off your participant but having someone else pick them up, please note that on their form along with that person's name and number. Your number must be listed as well in case of any emergencies.
  • My child has an allergy, can they still come?
    • Absolutely! We just ask that you note that on their form, we will then put a band on their wrist that says "allergy" and notify their group leader so they are aware. If your child has any food allergies, we will do our best to accommodate them on the day of when we serve lunch, however this will need to be noted on the form when you register so we know in advance, or you can choose to pack their lunch.
  • Will there be food and water at the event?
    • Yes, there will be a variety of food at the event that is donated by generous restaurants and stores. You are allowed to bring your own food if you choose to do so. There will also be water stations around campus so everyone can stay hydrated.
  • I have a suggestion for E.A.R. Day, who can I talk to?
    • We strive to have feedback from everyone! This event is meant to be a fun day for the participants. If there is something that you feel should be changed or want to make a suggestion on, please do let us know. You can email us anytime at or you can call the audiology department at 480.219.6124.
  • Why is it called E.A.R Day?
    • In 2014 our student Lisa Bell, AuD, '16, learned about the HEAR (Humanitarian, Education, and Awareness Resources) Chapter Grant from the National Student Academy of Audiology (AAA). Lisa received the grant, and she was able to organize our first ever H.E.A.R. (Hearing, Education, and Recreation) Day in February 2015. We had suggestions about the name we chose, so for our 2016 event, we dropped the H and we are now E.A.R. (Education and Recreation) Day.