The Buckhead Security Plan

In October of 2020 a number of public and private sector interests came together to discuss what might and should be done to address an increase in unlawful behavior in Buckhead that had reached a point where outcry from the public demanded action. Those entities that were represented in the development of this security plan are:

· The Buckhead Coalition

· The Atlanta Police Foundation

· Atlanta City Council

· Fulton County Commission

· City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office

· Atlanta Police Department, Zone 2

· The Buckhead Community Improvement District

· Livable Buckhead

· Buckhead Business Association

· Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods

· NPUs A, B, and C

What actions will be taken to implement the plan?

Several strategic initiatives have been launched

We have enacted an actionable security plan with near-term (NT) and longer-term (LT) actions to increase the safety and security among the people who live in Buckhead, people who work in Buckhead, and people who visit Buckhead on business, for shopping, and for entertainment. Plan implementation has been collaborative, utilizing both private and public sector resources, but with the goal of increasing public sector support and avoiding over-reliance on private sector contributions.

What obstacles impact this plan?

Yes, there are potential threats to the plan's success

As we continue with the implementation of this plan, it is important to keep in mind potential threats to our success:

· Further attrition and decline in morale at APD

· Increasing brazenness among party-goers, their hosts, and street racers, if a response to their actions is not forthcoming

· A potential reduction in Zone 2 manpower due to private sector investment in this public safety program

· Worsening or unabated spread of COVID

· Potential civil unrest due to events beyond our control

· Budget pressure on City of Atlanta and APD

· Tax base erosion due to a business and residential exodus if unlawful behavior is not substantially curtailed

Has Buckhead invested in security prior to this plan?

YES, Buckhead already has a great security infrastructure to build upon

In recognition of the fact that Buckhead has for many years worked independently to install a robust security infrastructure, this plan leverages the resources that are already in place and proposes new opportunities for improvement under this new framework. Atlanta's Operation Shield camera and license plate reader network, and the Greater Atlanta Crime Stoppers anonymous tip line are just two of the long-standing programs that will fortify this plan.

Click to play the BCID security PSA.mp4