How can I celebrate Earth Day in Quarantine?

Click the links below or the page tabs above to explore ways that you can celebrate Earth Day while maintaining self isolation and social distancing!

Although it's hard to take physical action at the moment one way that we can spend our time is through learning about current events. Many of these articles are also curated to feel relevant and we tried to incorporate a variety of news. Enjoy and maybe some of these will lead you to find a new subject you’re passionate about!

Every Friday you can create a sign at home and post a picture of yourself on Instagram or other social media sites. It can be on your story or on your page. Use the hashtags #climitestrikeonline and #fridayforfurture on your post or story to spread the word. Click here to learn more/get inspiration!

I think we can all agree being quarantined is no fun. Please enjoy these memes and Tik Toks we made to educate you on some important environmental topics, environmental activism and also give you something fun to read! We hope that you enjoy!

One way to appreciate our earth this earth day is through art people have created for it. We’ve compiled some student artwork and poetry from outside sources to highlight this appreciation. If you have a favorite piece relating to the environment (found here or just on your own) consider sharing it with friends, family, and classmates. Art is meant to be a means of human connection. Maybe reading/seeing something here will inspire a new way for you to look at the world.

Although we are staying at home there are chances to knock off some of that stir crazy energy and appreciate what earth day is all about… the earth. Click here to find some ways to take action and appreciate the outdoors this earth day.