Appreciate the outdoors

Although we are staying at home there are chances to knock off some of that stir crazy energy and appreciate what earth day is all about… the earth. Click here to find some ways to take action and appreciate the outdoors this earth day.

7 Simple ways to appreciate the springtime:

  • Go on a walk, consider what's around you from the grass growing in between the sidewalk cracks to the birds in the sky.

  • Spend some screen-free time in your yard or at a local park.

  • When going on a run or bike ride, pick somewhere with more nature than you normally do. Generally this also will mean fewer people (bonus!).

  • Consider starting or working on a garden. Plant some native flowers or vegetables.

  • Take your dog on a walk to somewhere new, they like the sunshine too!

  • If you know of a hiking trail nearby without many people, consider taking your family.

Although the chances of getting COVID-19 from the outdoors are minimal, please be safe and stay six feet away from other people, for extended periods of time consider wearing a face mask.