Getting to Know
the iPad


The purpose of this site is to provide you with resources so you can make the most of your iPad. Explore these resources on the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced level pages. 

The resources listed on the Beginner Resources page focuses on how to navigate your iPad. Here, you'll learn how to power on and off, charge, access applications (apps), learn terminology, and use gestures to control your iPad's screen. 

Once you feel comfortable with these resources, take advantage of the Intermediate Resources page. Here, you'll learn about the features your iPad has that can make it more accessible and enrich your experience. 

On the Advance Resources page, dive into privacy settings, the iCloud, and AppleCare+. 

Staff Picks

Staff App Picks

Every month we will highlight some of our favorite apps. Not sure what apps are or how to download them? Check out Beginner Resources!

Ellen's Tips for iOS

This YouTube Channel is a great resource for individuals who do not know how to utilize or get frustrated when trying to use their iPad. 


YouTube Channel: