Librarian Resources

LIBRARIAN’S INTERNET INDEX - Librarians' Internet Index (LII) is a publicly-funded website. You can also search and browse our website for the best of the Web. We have over 20,000 entries, also maintained by our librarians and organized into 14 main topics and nearly 300 related topics.

NO SHELF REQUIRED - a moderated discussion about ebooks for librarians and publishers is moderated by Sue Polanka from Wright State University Libraries.

SCHOOL LIBRARIES WORK! - This research foundation paper, updated from the 2016 edition of School Libraries Work!, brings together position statements from a variety of organizations and findings from nearly three decades of empirical studies that cite the measurable impact school libraries and library media specialists have on student achievement.

TEXAS SCHOOL LIBRARY STANDARDS - Revised and adopted by the Texas State Library and Archives Commissioners in 2018. The revised standards establish guidelines for school library programs at four levels: exemplary, recognized, acceptable, and below standard. Supplemental Resources include output and outcome measures that libraries may use to describe the level of use and effectiveness of the program, a glossary of terms, bibliographies, and a list of the revision committee members.

ALA TEEN’S TOP TEN - Teens' Top Ten is a "teen choice" list, where teens nominate and choose their favorite books of the previous year!

BASED ON THE BOOK (BOOK TO MOVIE) - This sites references books that have been made into movies, listing the book title and author, with reference to the movie title and date of release. Alpha by book title.

DEWEY SUMMARIES - This document, published by the OCLC, lists the Dewey classes by all three summaries. Excellent resource for quick reference.