Tracking System

Pre-Enlistment Procedure for Electives

First Semester AY 2024-2025


   Please be guided by the following procedures for the pre-enlistment of electives:


1. The Registrar’s Office has issued queuing numbers. Such number is required in a mandatory field in the online pre-enlistment platform.


2. Pre-enlistment will be done using Google Forms beginning July 4, 2024 at 1:00pm. Please see the link for the Pre-enlistment forms below.

3. Each student should pre-enlist a total of 4 units of electives (For incoming 4th year) and 2 units of electives (For incoming 3rd year) for the First Semester of AY 2024-2025.  Students must complete their foundational courses during their third year, except those in the Dispute Resolution Track where their foundational courses are offered in their 4th year. Students who have not completed their foundational courses during their third year must take them in the coming semester; there is no guarantee that these courses will be offered in the following Semester.


4. Incoming 4th year students should indicate 4 choices for tracked electives and 4 choices for free electives.  Those who have not completed their foundational courses must also indicate 2 choices unless only one is offered for the Track or Stream. The choices should be listed in the order of preference.  The Registrar’s Office will invalidate submissions that do not indicate 2 choices for the foundational course (if applicable) and 4 choices each for tracked and free electives.

5. Incoming 3rd year students should indicate 2 choices for the foundational course (unless only one is offered for the Track or Stream). The choices should be listed in the order of preference. The Registrar’s Office will invalidate submissions that do not indicate 2 choices for the foundational course.


6. Students will be given priority in registering for electives belonging to their chosen Track or Stream.

7. Students must complete the pre-enlistment process by July 6, 2024 at 11:59pm, using the online platform.

Pre-Enlistment Forms:

The form will be activated on July 4, 2024 at 1:00pm and deactivated on July 6, 2024 at 11:59pm

Select your Track:

Incoming 4th Year/4th Year/5th Year

Corporate and Business Law

Dispute Resolution

International Law and Development 

Incoming 3rd Year/3rd Year

Corporate and Business Law

Dispute Resolution

International Law and Development 


Note: Subjecte to change without prior notice

Electives.1s AY 2024-2025

Profile of Professors

[AY2023-2024] [2nd Sem] Profiles of Professors (Electives).pdf

For Incoming 3rd Year

JD Tracking - Updated List of Courses (03 May 2024).pdf
2024 Orientation - JD Tracking (01 Mar 2024).pptx

For Incoming 4th Year

Primer on the ALS JD Tracking Program 2018 version.pdf
ALS JD Tracking Program.pdf