
This resource is created to help you and your mentor facilitate discussions that aim to develop a beneficial mentoring relationship. We hope this helps you plan better, avoid pitfalls, and finish on time. 

Understanding Mentor-Mentee Roles and Responsibilities

Mentoring is a reciprocal relationship and its success relies on the mutual fulfillment of the roles and responsibilities of the mentor and the mentee. 

The Mentor:

The Mentee:

Creating Your Graduate Research Plan

Together with your mentor, you are expected to develop a research plan following your department’s research focus. To accomplish this, you are strongly encouraged to create the following: 

General Timeline

This includes:


Progress Milestones

This consists of:

Be sure to share with your mentor updates about:

Communicate with your mentor any relevant information that could affect the completion of TDCP, such as personal difficulties or changes in career.

Assessing Your Progress

These tools are used to evaluate your progress as a mentee and to evaluate the overall success of the mentoring process. The General Timeline and Progress Milestones can be used to substantiate these assessment tools. 

This is conducted once at the end of each semester (with optional mid-semester evaluation if needed) while the research is ongoing. The mentor and the mentee will provide updates on the progress made and challenges encountered.

The mentee submits a TDCP Mentor Evaluation form at the end of each semester. The Chair is responsible for overseeing all Progress Reports and Mentor Evaluations. Based on feedback from the mentor and mentee, the Chair may suggest helpful interventions to improve the situation. 

This is conducted before graduation. Both the mentor and the mentee will provide progress reports to evaluate the overall success of the mentoring process. 

Taking a Leave of Absence (LOA)

You may need to take a leave of absence (LOA) while writing your thesis for a variety of reasons, including personal, medical, or professional ones. If you need to take an LOA, be mindful of the following: 

Policies and Expectations

To be able to take an LOA, you need to meet the following requirements: 

Inform your mentor before submitting the LOA request and discuss with them the following matters:

To finalize your LOA, complete a Request Form. 

Resuming Studies and Returning to Ateneo de Manila University

Before resuming studies and returning to the University:

Extended LOA

If your LOA extends for more than two consecutive terms, you must request a reinstatement. This request should include:

This resource highlights key information from the Graduate Research Mentoring Framework. Read the full document here.