Frequently Asked Questions

Do all research activities have to go through ethics review?

According to the University Research Ethics Office (UREO), application and securing of ethics clearance must be processed for: 

Research involving human participants categorized as "minimal risk" and meets certain criteria can be validated for exemption from the review process. Validation of Exemption is still part of the ethics review process and must be applied for with the UREO.

For more information on research ethics guidelines, visit the UREO website.

Additional notes on ethics clearance:

To avoid pitfalls, the student is strongly encouraged to:

Additionally, adviser/s, panel reader/s, and other panel members are expected to ensure that the TDCP has met ethical requirements. 

What if my research does not involve human participants?

Research that does not involve human participants may still require regulation from other bodies in the University and the student must comply with these relevant University policies. It should also be noted that some journals require ethics clearance for publication. With respect to UREO and the Ateneo de Manila University Research Ethics Committee (AdMUREC or UREC), however, no further action is required from the student as per UREO guidelines

Additional notes on ethics clearance:

To avoid pitfalls, the student is strongly encouraged to:

Additionally, adviser/s, panel reader/s, and other panel members are expected to ensure that the TDCP has met ethical requirements. 

What are the publication requirements for my program? 

Depending on a graduate student’s degree and the school year the student was admitted/shifted to a new degree program, the student may be required to submit a paper for conference presentation and/or publication before graduation. The required publication output per degree type and admission date is summarized in the table below.

The new policy on publication and dissemination has been aligned with the CMO 15 series 2019 requirement. 

Students must also comply with the publication and dissemination requirements of their degree programs, should this be above the minimum requirements of the Ateneo de Manila University.

What are the eligibility criteria of the Adviser, Co-adviser/s, Panel Reader/s, and Panel Members?

Primary Adviser


Panel Reader/s

Panel Members

What is the composition of the Examination Panel?

Capstone Project

The Capstone Project panel should have at least 3 members, including the Panel Reader: 

The primary adviser may be part of the panel composition. An additional external member (not affiliated with Ateneo de Manila University) is optional. 


The thesis panel should have at least 3 members, including the Panel Reader and the method specialist: 

The primary adviser may be part of the panel composition. An additional external member (not affiliated with Ateneo de Manila University) is optional.


The dissertation panel should have at least 5 members, including the assigned panel readers, the method specialist, and an external member: 

The primary adviser may be part of the panel composition.


Is the Panel Reader the same as the Style Reader?

The panel reader is not the same as the style reader. The responsibilities of the panel reader include: 

On the other hand, the style reader checks the mechanics and technical specifications of the manuscript after the final oral defense and before submission of the final manuscript.