BEYOND Graduate Studies

Graduate research mentoring at Ateneo is underpinned by the principles of Jesuit education. Incorporating the concept of cura personalis, mentoring at the graduate level transcends mere advising on program requirements and academic work. Mentors guide their mentees' personal, academic, and professional growth and accompany them in acquiring knowledge, skills, and values of leadership and service to the community. 

The Graduate Research Mentoring Framework is created to ensure graduate students' success, particularly in writing, defending, and finishing their thesis, dissertation, and capstone project, including publication. Beyond this, the framework provides the foundation for a beneficial mentoring relationship that fosters a passion for research and lifelong learning skills. 

Effective mentors go above and beyond academic advising; they impart ideas and lifelong learning skills, offer guidance and encouragement, and prioritize the mentee’s overall development and growth. Mentorship benefits both mentors and mentees, enriching the culture of support and collaboration in the University. 

Mentoring plays an integral role in shaping the graduate student experience. It can have a lasting impact on graduate students' overall development and growth in addition to ensuring their success in completing their final academic requirements. Mentees, together with their mentors, share the responsibility for establishing an enduring mentoring relationship built on open communication and mutual respect. 

SDG 4: Quality Education

The Graduate Research Mentoring Framework is a commitment to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which is about ensuring quality education. It acknowledges education as a fundamental right that must be available to everyone, regardless of socio-economic background, gender, sexuality, or religious beliefs. In higher education institutions,  mentors share the responsibility of ensuring that education is accessible and inclusive for all. One of the support services that HEIs provide is a mentoring structure, which aims to bridge gaps and reduce inequalities to ensure that graduate students have equal access to education and the opportunity to achieve their full potential (SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities). 

Top Resources

For the full document on the Graduate Research Mentoring Framework

For information on TDCP-related policies and guidelines, including ethics clearance and publication requirements 

For important dates and deadlines, including schedule of oral defense and final submission of TDCP