Number theory and Algebra Seminar at Asu

Time & Place - Fridays 2-3 pm, WXLR 546

Talk Schedule

Talk Details

February 21 (3 pm) Ryo Takahashi (Nagoya University)

Title: Generating Cohen-Macaulay module categories and Buchweitz-Orlov singularity categories

Abstract:  Cohen-Macaulay representation theory was born in the 1960s as a higher-dimensional version of representation theory of artin algebras. The purpose of this theory is, for a given Cohen-Macaulay ring R, to understand the structure of the category CM(R) of (maximal) Cohen-Macaulay R-modules. In this talk, we will first consider a certain question on how to generate the category CM(R) by using concrete examples. Next we will move on to thinking of a similar question for the singularity category D_{sg}(R) in the sense of Buchweitz and Orlov, and extend theorems of Ballard, Favero and Katzarkov.

December 6 Zhengning Hu (University of Arizona)

Title: The integral Chow rings of the stacks of hyperelliptic Weierstrass points

Abstract:  In this talk, we will discuss the computation of the integral Chow rings of the stacks parametrizing smooth hyperelliptic curves with marked Weierstrass points. Aside from their intrinsic interest, products of these stacks naturally arise as boundary strata of proper moduli stacks, such as stack of stable hyperelliptic curves and some compactified Hurwitz stacks. We prove that the integral Chow ring of each of these stacks of hyperelliptic Weierstrass points is generated as an algebra by any of the psi-classes and that all relations live in degree one. We will also discuss how computation can be carried out when working with rational coefficients. The talk is mainly based on joint work with Dan Edidin.

November 22: Matthew Weaver (ASU)

Title: Implicitization of tensor product surfaces via syzygies

Abstract:  It is a classical problem in algebraic geometry to find the implicit equations of the image or graph of a rational map between projective spaces. This so-called implicitization problem has been studied to great length by geometers, algebraists and, more recently, the geometric modelling community, for its applications to computer-aided design (CAD). As one such application, we consider tensor product surfaces and the implicitization of these varieties, using the syzygies of their defining ideals. We discuss previous and ongoing work using these methods, when these syzygies have low degree. 

November 15: Michael Perlman (University of Minnesota - Twin Cities)  

Title: Higher singularities for determinantal ideals

Abstract:  Higher Du Bois and higher rational singularities are newly-defined properties of complete intersections that can be detected using local cohomology, refining the classical notions of Du Bois and rational singularities. We will discuss the commutative algebra behind these properties, and a number of challenges that arise while attempting to generalize them outside the complete intersection case. Via the example of determinantal ideals, we will theorize about what a "correct" definition could be.

November 8: Stephen Landsittel (University of Missouri)  

Title: Epsilon Multiplicity is a Limit of Amao Multiplicities

Abstract:  In a 2014 paper, Cutkosky proved a volume equals multiplicity formula for the multiplicity of an m_R-primary ideal. We will discuss a generalization of this result to the epsilon multiplicity.

November 1: Anna Brosowsky (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)  

Title: Cartier algebras through the lens of p-families

Abstract:  A Cartier subalgebra of a prime characteristic commutative ring R is an associated non-commutative ring of operators on R that play nicely with the Frobenius map. When R is regular, its Cartier subalgebras correspond exactly with sequences of ideals called F-graded systems. One special subclass of F-graded system is called a p-family; these appear in numerical applications such as the Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity and the F-signature. In this talk, I will discuss how to characterize some properties of a Cartier subalgebra in terms of its F-graded system. I will further present a way to construct, for an arbitrary F-graded system, a closely related p-family with especially nice properties.

October25: Sudipta Das (ASU)  

Title: Asymptotic colengths for families of ideals.

Abstract:  In this talk we discuss the existence and the importance of asymptotic colengths for families of m-primary ideals in a Noetherian local ring (R,m).  We explore various families such as weakly graded families, weakly p-families and weakly inverse p-families. If time permits we discuss the new analytic method to prove the existence of limits. This talk is based on a joint work with Cheng Meng.

October 18:  Ajith Nair (ASU)  

Title: Explicit composition identities for higher composition laws

Abstract:  In 2001, Manjul Bhargava gave a new proof of Gauss composition of binary quadratic forms by using 2x2x2 integer cubes. Moreover, he showed that there are five higher composition laws which are related to quadratic rings similar to the case of binary quadratic forms. The proof of these higher composition laws relies on bijections between certain orbits of the spaces on which the composition is defined under some natural group action and certain suitable (tuples of) ideal classes of quadratic rings. In my PhD thesis, we formulated the higher composition laws in a manner similar to Gauss' formulation of composition of binary quadratic forms. More precisely, we provided explicit composition identities for the higher composition laws in the quadratic case. In this talk, I will briefly outline Bhargava's work on composition laws in the quadratic case, (and the cubic case if time permits), and describe our results on the composition identities.

October 11:  Jacob Cooper (ASU

Title: Multidegrees of Binomial Edge Ideal

Abstract:  A binomial edge ideal is a type of ideal that we can generate using a simple, connected graph. We prove how to calculate the multidegree of a binomial edge ideal based on combinatorial properties of the underlying graph. In particular, we study the collection of subsets of vertices whose prime ideals have minimum codimension. We provide results which assist in determining these subsets, then find these collections for star, horned complete, barbell, cycle, wheel, and friendship graphs, and use the main result of the paper to obtain the multidegrees of their binomial edge ideals.

October 2 (Wednesday, ECG 317, 4pm):  Nathan Green (Louisiana Tech University

Title: Zeta Values and Integral Representations in Characteristic p

Abstract:  Having an integral representation for a function means being able to write that function as a complex line integral of some (hopefully simple) function. In number theory, integral representations allow us to prove important properties of zeta functions and L-functions, such as functional equations and analytic continuations. My work focuses on properties of zeta values, L-functions and multiple zeta values in the characteristic-p function field setting. Because we're working in characteristic p, meaningful measures and integration theory are difficult to describe, so in general we don't have integral representations of these functions. I will describe some of my recent work which seeks to give an algebraic alternative to integral representations for these special values. This allows us to prove new properties for these values, such as describing new linear relations between them.

September 27: Sankhaneel Bisui (ASU)

Title: Symbolic Powers of Invariant Ideals

Abstract:  The symbolic powers first appear in Krul's principal ideal theorem.  Though defined algebraically, symbolic powers connect geometry and algebra. It reveals many geometric properties as well. One of the properties is finding minimal degree hypersurfaces vanishing at a given variety with a certain multiplicity. Even though they are extremely useful, it is difficult to find a tangible description of the symbolic powers. They are known only in a few cases.  

In this talk, I will describe symbolic powers and different open problems related to them. I will also describe some numerical invariants connected with symbolic powers. I will give a tangible description of the symbolic powers of invariant ideals arising via young diagrams. I will discuss the results from my joint with Sudipta Das and Alexandra Seceleanu. 

September 20: Matthew Weaver (ASU)

Title: What is a Rees algebra?

Abstract:  In this talk, we introduce the notion of the Rees algebra of an ideal, and the various ways this ring can be realized. In short, the Rees ring encapsulates the data of every power of an ideal, all within a single algebra. Hence, for algebraists, this object is invaluable within the study of multiplicities, reductions, and integral closures, to name a few. For geometers, the Rees ring serves as the coordinate ring of the graph of a rational map between varieties. As these constructions are parametric in nature, one question is how to achieve the implicitization of these algebras, namely how to obtain a tangible description of the Rees ring as a quotient of a polynomial ring. We discuss various results in this direction, as well as their applications. We end with some open questions, particularly in the much less explored realm of Rees rings of modules.

September 13: Jonathan Montaño (ASU)

Title: Valuations, integral dependence, and multiplicities

Abstract:   The theory of integral closure of ideals, originating in the early twentieth century with work of Krull, Zariski, Rees, and others, remains a vibrant area of research in commutative algebra. This theory's significance stems from its connections with valuations, which enable a wide range of applications in other mathematical fields such as combinatorics, algebraic geometry, and number theory. Asymptotic properties of integral closures can be understood through multiplicities, which have their origins in intersection theory, developed by Hilbert, Noether, Van der Waerden, and others. In the 1950s, advancements by Samuel, Serre, and Rees brought multiplicities to the forefront of commutative algebra, leading to extensive further development in various directions, including recent works. This talk will provide an overview of the history and key results in these areas, highlighting some open problems along the way.

September 6: Jonathan Vittore (ASU) and Mathew Wicks (ASU)

Title: An Enhancement to the Galois Correspondence in Abelian Extensions of Q

Abstract: Algebra is a study of mathematics geared towards structure and classification. When you think of the three core facets of modern abstract algebra, group, ring and field theory, each can seem somewhat unrelated past a surface level.

For instance, most introductory courses on group theory focus on finite groups, symmetry, and finding subgroups of given groups. Most courses on ring theory focus on infinite rings, ideals, and subrings. Field theory on the other hand has a different focus entirely. It’s mainly about field extensions, rather than subfields. When you learn each of these theories, they certainly have common points, but each feels unique in their focus. So what happens when two of these completely different branches of algebra collide?

Group theory and field theory are connected in a way seemingly unimaginable at first, and this beautiful correspon- dence is the core of Galois theory. However, it does not end at the Galois theory you would learn in a typical abstract algebra course. In certain abelian Galois extensions, there is an enhancement to the normal correspondence. The aim of this talk is to explore that enhanced correspondence.

We want this talk to be accessible to anyone, and as such, will be spending some time in the beginning explaining background information for those with minimal algebra experience. Please feel free to ask any questions you have. Also, if you have an idea of where the talk might be going, please speak up and join in! 

An Enhancement to the Galois Correspondence for Abelian Extensions of Q .pdf