Jose Antonio Guevara, Co-President

Jose Antonio Guevara, a native of Southwest AZ, is an undergraduate Music Learning and Teaching Major in the trumpet studio at Arizona State University. "I am passionate about diversity and equity at the ASU School of Music, Dance and Theatre, because I want our school's values to reflect the needs of our student population. By maintaining a dialogue between students and faculty, we can begin to recognize and address inequities that our student body faces. My goal is to help create a community where students can express and celebrate their culture and individuality."

Kristina Friedgen, Co-President

Kristina Friedgen is a director/choreographer, theatre deviser, and educator who seeks to create theatrical experiences that connect the community and promote social action. Currently, an MFA candidate in ASU's Theatre for Youth & Communities program, her research explores how to create participatory and immersive theatre through digital and live performance in order to foster a relationship between the audience and the performer. In addition to her graduate work, Kristina is the Education Director at Young Artists of America, a youth-focused musical theatre training company for singers, actors, dancers, and musicians in Washington, D.C. She holds a BA in Theatre from the University of Maryland."

Mental Health and Wellness Branch Leader

Chris Elliott