About Chris

Chris Kyselka is an academic professional in The Polytechnic School in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. For most of her career at ASU (30+ years), she has worked in college administration across three ASU campuses in student affairs, community outreach, university advancement, continuing education and distance learning. Her expertise encompasses retention and recruitment of first year and diverse students, community engagement, constituent relations, faculty governance and online learning innovation. Her many years of teaching includes academic transition, ethics and communication courses in both online and traditional classroom formats at ASU and other universities.

Kyselka’s current university level service includes the Academic Professional Grievance Committee where she is chair as well as the Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee.  She is also serving on the University Senate as senator from The Polytechnic School. She is the past-president of the ASU Polytechnic campus academic assembly. For more than a decade, she served as committee chair and secretary of the ASU Academic Assembly and University Senate.  

Kyselka has held several leadership roles on boards and organizations including the Town of Gilbert Judicial Selection and Advisory Board, City of Chandler, Town of Gilbert and City of Phoenix educational access governing boards, Town of Gilbert Human Relations Commission, ASU Alumni Association, and the National Speakers Association.  She is also a Flinn-Brown Civic Leadership Academy Fellow, a Valley Leadership alum and an Arizona Education Policy Fellow.

Kyselka earned both her baccalaureate and master’s degrees from Arizona State University.  She is Diné (Navajo) and originally from northeastern Arizona, but she also considers the metro Phoenix/east valley home.