Martín Pérez Comisso

Ph.D student in Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology

I´m a Chilean Ph.D student in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society. My area of expertise are Socio-technical systems, engagement with Science and Technology, Technological policy and Latin American Futures. I has been collaborating with Dr. Smith in her #BorderTechLab, as well in teaching since 2020 in the learning experience Global Innovations, and as her TA in Spring 2020 for Technology and Development in Latin America.

Socio-technical systems

I´m interested to understand how we engage and interact with technologies, through the lenses of sociotechnical engagement, images of technology and technological appropriation

Latin American Futures

I´m exploring for my dissertation what is the relations between images of technology and images of the future, in particular in the case of Latin American Futurism

Teaching and learning in STS

I have an strong teaching record, in topics of science and technology policy, technological theories and interdisciplinarian and intercultural experiences of inquiry, in undergrad and master level courses.

Publications in Google Scholar

I led a series of webinars for teachers of technology in Chile, called "Acercando Tecno/logias" in Summer 2020

I was part of the organizing committee of ESOCITE 2018, and I´m part of the CTS-Chile network

I´m currently exploring images of post-constitutional futures with Especular. We have created the card game "Hoja en Blanco"