
Walsh, M.J.M.*, Pagni, B.A.*, Monahan, L., Delaney, S., Smith, C.J., Baxter, L., Braden, B.B.

Sex-Related Neurocircuitry Supporting Camouflaging in Adults with Autism: Insights into Female Protection. Cerebral Cortex. 2022; 1–14

Stadheim, J., Mitchel, M., Smith, C., Braden, B.B., and Matthews, N. A Qualitative Examination of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Adolescents with Autism and their Parents. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2022; 104232.

Braden, B.B., Pagni, B.*, Monahan, L., Walsh, M.*, Dixon M., Ballard, L. Delaney, S., and Ware, J. Quality of life in adults with autism spectrum disorder: influence of age, sex, and a controlled, randomized mindfulness-based stress reduction pilot intervention. Quality of Life Research. 2021; 1-14

Pagni, B.A.* and Braden, B.B. Early Reflections on the Therapeutic Effects of Mindfulness-Based Therapies in Adults with Autism and Suggestions for Future Research. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science. 2021; 6(4):e210013; DOI:10.20900/jpbs20210013

Walsh, M.J.M*, Wallace, G., Gallegos, S.*, and Braden, B.B. Brain-based sex differences in autism spectrum disorder across the lifespan: A systematic review of structural MRI, fMRI, and DTI findings. Neuroimage: Clinical. 2021; 102719

Pagni, B. A., Walsh, M. J. M., Rogers, C., & Braden, B. B. (2020). Social Cognition in Autism Spectrum Disorder Across the Adult Lifespan: Influence of Age and Sex on Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task in a Cross-sectional Sample

Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 14(571408), 1-8.

Lewis, C. R., Taguinod, F., Jepsen, W. M., et al. (2020). Telomere Length and Autism Spectrum Disorder Within the Family: Relationships With Cognition and Sensory Symptoms. Autism Research, 00,1-8.

Pagni B.A., Walsh M.J.M., Foldes E., et al. (2020) The neural correlates of mindfulness-induced depression reduction in adults with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study. J Neuro Res.; 00:1–12.

Braden, B. B., & Riecken, C. (2019). Thinning faster? Age-related cortical thickness differences in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 64, 31-38.

Walsh, M. J., Baxter, L. C., Smith, C. J., & Braden, B. B. (2019). Age group differences in executive network functional connectivity and relationships with social behavior in men with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 63, 63-77.

Baxter, L. C., Nespodzany, A., Walsh, M. J., Wood, E., Smith, C. J., & Braden, B. B. (2019). The influence of age and ASD on verbal fluency networks. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 63, 52-62.

Braden, B. B., Smith, C. J., Thompson, A., Glaspy, T. K., Wood, E., Vatsa, D., ... & Baxter, L. C. (2017). Executive function and functional and structural brain differences in middle‐age adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 10(12), 1945-1959.

Braden, B.B., Dassel, K.B., Bimonte-Nelson, H.A., et al. (2016). Sex and post-menopause hormone therapy effects on hippocampal volume and verbal memory. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition,  1-20.

Braden, B. B., Pipe, T. B., Smith, R., Glaspy, T. K., Deatherage, B. R., & Baxter, L. C. (2016). Brain and behavior changes associated with an abbreviated 4‐week mindfulness‐based stress reduction course in back pain patients. Brain and behavior, 6(3).

Braden, B. B., Smith, C. J., Glaspy, T. K., & Baxter, L. C. (2015). Dr. kanner’s first patient is an octogenarian: Cognitive and brain aging in autism. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 11(7), P569.

Smith, R., Braden, B. B., Chen, K., Ponce, F. A., Lane, R. D., & Baxter, L. C. (2015). The neural basis of attaining conscious awareness of sad mood. Brain imaging and behavior, 9(3), 574-587.

Mennenga, S.E., Baxter, L.C., Grunfeld, I.S., Brewer, G.A., Aiken, L.S., Engler-Chiurazzi, E.B., Camp, B.W., Acosta, J.I., Braden, B.B., Schaefer, K.R. and Gerson, J.E. (2014). Navigating to new frontiers in behavioral neuroscience: traditional neuropsychological tests predict human performance on a rodent-inspired radial-arm maze. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 8.