PhD, Dr. of Science in Philosophy

Chairperson of the Department of Philosophy and Logic Named after Academician Georg Brutian at Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU): https://aspu.am/en/,

Full Member of the Armenian Philosophical Academy: http://armpha.com/index.php/en/,

Editor-in-Chief of the journal: WISDOM: http://wisdomperiodical.com/

Tel.: (+37410) 597065 (work)

E-mail: hashovhannisyan@hotmail.com; hovhannisyanhasmik25@aspu.am;

https://aspu.am/en/content/hovhannisyan_hasmik/ ;


ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7088-6199



10th of June 1966, Yerevan.


1973 – 1983: Yerevan № 170 secondary school.

1985 – 1990: Yerevan State University, the Faculty of Sociology and Psy­cho­logy, graduation work – “The Language of Political Ar­gumentation”, diploma identifying good academic progress, 1th of July 1990.

1990 –1993: Post graduate student at Yerevan State University, specia­lization – Philosophy.

1992 September – December: Turku (Finland) University, The Chair of Practical Philo­so­phy, training, a certificate given by Turku (Finland) Uni­versity, proving that H.Hovhannisian has passed an exami­na­tion on Aristotel’s Nicomachean Ethics. There exists as well another certificate given by Turku (Fin­land) University, proving that H.Hov­han­nisian has written an essay on Ethical Problems in Aristo­tle’s Theory and the Attitude of David the Invincible towards them.


  • Teacher of Philosophy, Yerevan State University, 01.07.1990; Thesis submitted for degree: The Language of Political Argumentation

  • Kandidat of Philosophical Sciences (Ph.D.), Yerevan State University , 05.04.1994: Thesis submitted for degree: The Problems of Argumentation in David the Invincible’s Theoretical Heritage.

  • Doctor of Science (In Philosophy), Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abov­yan, 17.07.2014: Thesis submitted for degree: Yerevan School for Argumentation (Epistemological and Me­tho­dological Analysis).


1989 –1993: Senior assistant (1989 - 1990) and researcher (1993 - 1999) at the Institute for Philosophy and Right of NAS of Armenia.

1994: Defense of thesis submitted for degree: The Problems of Ar­gu­men­tation in David the Invincible’s Theoretical Heri­tage (the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (Ph.D.), by spe­cialty T.00.01; T.00.02 (the 5th of April 1994)).

1993 – 1999: YSU Scientific-Research Team dealing with the questions of Parliamentary Argumentation, researcher.

1994 –2012: Yerevan State Linguistic University after V.Brusov UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Democ­racy and European Studies, Associate professor (the subjects: Logic, Ethics, Philosophy).

2002: Scientific degree of Associate professor.

09-12.2002: The University of Leibnitz (Scholarship of German DAAD organi­zation).

2011 – until now: Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan, the head of the Depart­ment of Philosophy and Logic after Academician Georg Brutian.

2011 – until now: member of the Academic Board of Armenian State Pedagogical University.

2013: Defense of thesis Yerevan School of Argumentation (metho­dological and epistemological analyses) submitted for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in Philosophy by spe­cialty 09.00.01. “The­oretical Philosophy, Logic, Philosophy of Science” (Diploma awarded the 17 July, 2014).

2016 – until now: Deputy Chairperson of 062 (09.00.01 - “Philosophy”) specialized council of Supreme Certifying Committee (SCC) RA at ASPU.


  • Theory of Argumentation

  • Metaargumentation

  • Philosophy

  • Ethics

  • Philosophy for children

  • Critical thinking


  • Logic

  • Theory of Argumentation

  • Philosophy

  • History of Philosophy

  • Ethics


  • 20.12.2005 - The winner of Best Scientific Work muster-contest at Yere­van State Linguistic University after V.Brusov.

  • 27.12.2007 - The medal of David the Invincible (small) given on the 20th an­niversary of Armenian Philo­so­phical Academy founda­ti­on.

  • 17.04.2012 - The medal of David the Invincible (big).

  • 31.10.2012 - Pedagogical University - 90th Anniversary medal.

  • 05.07.2015 - «Wisdom» Supreme Award Diploma of International Research Institute for Metaphi­loso­phy, Transformational Logic and Argumentation.


1989 – 2004 - International Institute for Argumentation (Yerevan), General Secretary.

2007 - 2008 - Head of the Department of Logic and Rhetoric at Interna­tional Scientific Research Institute for Philosophy, Logic, Argumentation and Communication next to Russian-Armenian (Slavo­nic) State University.

2001 - 2016 - International Academy for Philosophy, General scientific secretary.

2011 – 2016 - International Scientific Research Institute for Meta­philo­sophy, Transformational Logic and Theory of Argumen­tation next to Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan, deputy director.

2014 – until now - Full Member of the Armenian Philosophical Academy.

2015 – until now - Member of the International Forum of Teachers (IFT) of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics.

2014 - Deputy Chairman of the 062 Professional Council of the RA SCC․

2021 - member of the Dissertation Council of St. Petersburg State University.


2002 - Scientific Session Reports of Young Scientists (Yerevan).

2004 - Scientific Session Reports of Young Scientists (Yerevan).

2005 - First International Conference of the International Academy for Philosophy (Yerevan).

2006 - First International Conference of the International Research Institute for Philosophy, Logic, Argumentation and Com­mu­ni­cation at Armenian-Russian (Slavonic) State University (Yere­van).

2006 - Scientific Session Reports of Young Scientists (Yerevan).

2006 - Committee Member of the Armenian department at the 3rd Conference of the Interna­tional Academy for Philosophy, Athens (Greece).

2007 - International Round-table: “Philosophy and Metaphilo­sophy” (Yerevan).

2007 - International Symposium: “Transformational Logic” (Yerevan).

2007 - 3rd International Conference of the International Academy for Philosophy, California (USA).

2008 - International Conference Organized by the International Academy for Philosophy (IAPh) and Armenian Philosophical Academy devoted to the 100th anniversary of Victor Hambar­dzum­yan, Yerevan.

2010 - “The Proto-Chess Mechanisms of Management” conference (Yerevan).

2010 - “The Core Points of Teaching Methods of the Science of Logic” International Conference, president (Yerevan).

2010 - “Philosophy in Images” International Conference, president (Ye­revan).

2010 - “Linguistic and Logic” International Conference, president (Ye­revan).

2011 - “World Day of Philosophy in Armenia” conference, Vice-president and head of of the 5th section – Phi­losophy for Everyone.

2012 - International Conference “Theoretical and Practical Issues of Transforming Society Deve­lopment (philosophical and psychological aspects)”, head of the section Problems of Metaphilosophy and Theory of Argumentation (Yerevan, April 16-17).

2016 - Vice-President of the International Conference “Life And Philosophy” Devoted to Acade­mician Georg Brutian’s 90th Anniversary and head of of the 2th section – History of Phi­lo­sophy (Yerevan, 22-23 November).

2019 - Member of the organizational committee of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Human resources management in the field of physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle. Education of the XXI century: intact, methods, problems ” (St. Petersburg, May 23–25).

2020 - Member of the organizational committee of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory during the Great Patriotic War (St. Petersburg, April 16-17).

2021 - Member of the organizational committee (St. Petersburg).

2021 - Member of the organizational committee (Volgograd).

2022 - Member of the organizational committee St. Petersburg, 18-29 April, 2022.


1989 - Soviet-Finnish-Dutch International Symposium “General Questions of Ar­gu­men­tation”, (Ye­re­van, Sevan Lake, Armenia). The paper read: The Lang­uage of Political Argu­mentation.

1992 - International Conference on Argumentation in Politics, Industry and Business, St-Peters­burg (Russia). The paper read: The Conceptual Constitution and the Means and Methods of the Argumentation in the Works of David the Invincible.

1994 - First International Conference, All Armenian Women’s Union, Yerevan (Ar­me­nia). The paper read: Is there Any Differences between Men’s and Wo­men’s Argumentations? If there is, how it Reflects on Social and Family Life.

1997 - International Seminar of the International Organization of the 18th Century Re­search East–West. “Progress and Vio­len­ce in the Enlightenment Thought”, Berlin (Germany). The paper read: Arguments of Force and Force of Arguments in the Armenian Enlightenment of the 18th century.

2000 - “Social Sciences on the Threshold of the 21st Century”, Interuniversity Con­fe­rence (Yerevan State Linguistic University after V.Brusov). The paper read: The Problems of Argumentation in the Work of Eznik Kokhbatzi – “Refutation of Sects”.

2006 - 2nd International Conference of the International Academy for Philosophy; “The Pe­rspectives of Philosophy in the 21st Century”, (Athens). The paper read: Yerevan School of Argumentation on the Threshold of the 21st Century: the Prob­lem of Motivation.

2007 - Firs Armenian-Russian (Slavonic) State Unive­r­sity, the report read: Yerevan School of Argumentation and its International Recognition, Yerevan.

2007 - International Conference, Philosophy and Metaphilosophy, round-table, report, Yerevan.

2007 - 3rd International Conference of the International Academy for Philosophy. The paper read: Philosophy and Metaphilosophy.

2010 - Interuniversity Conference. The report read: Epistemo­lo­gical Grounds of Un­der­­es­ti­mating Wo­men’s Role in Politics (Yerevan).

2011 - Con­ference devoted to the World Day of Philosophy. The report read: A Child as a Phi­losopher: the Necessity and Possibility of Philosophical Thinking, its Principles and Me­cha­nisms of Development (scientific and practical analysis)

2012 - International Conference ‘Theoretical and Practical Issues of Transforming So­ciety Deve­lopment (philosophical and psychological aspects), the report read: Meta-Argumentation from the perspectives of Metaphilosophy.

2016 - International Conference “Life And Philosophy” Devoted to Acade­mician Georg Brutian’s 90th Anniversary. 22-23 November, 2016; the reports read: 1. The Components of Argu­mentation in the Armenian Medieval Philosophical Conceptions: Yeznik Koghbatsi, Da­vid the Invincible, Grigor Tatevatsi. 2. Non-Yerevan Theorists Assess Yerevan School for Argumentation.

2019 - All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Human resources management in the field of physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle. Education of the XXI century: intact, methods, problems ” (St. Petersburg, May 23–25); the report (Hovhannisyan H.H., Khachibabyan M.G.) read: Flipping the Classroom to Enhance Learner Engagement and Auto.

2020 - All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory during the Great Patriotic War. (Hovhannisyan H.H., Hovhannisyan H.O.) read: Methodological Basis of Study Tolerance as a Psychological Phenomenon.

2020 - Republic conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Institute Philosophy and Law at NAS RA (Hovhannisyan H., Djidjian R., Gevorgy6an A.) read: Independent thinking is a challenge to the modern education system.

2021 - All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation Social and Humanitarian Technologies in The Management of Human Resources in The Sphere of Physical Culture, Sport and Health. The Potential of Sport in The System of International Relations. (Hovhannisyan H.H., Hovhannisyan H.O.) read: Tolerance as a Personal Resource: Structural Analysis.

2021 - Republic conference "Armenia in 1945-1965". The report read: "Philosophical thought in Soviet Armenia in 1945-1965".


Editor in Chief of journal WISDOM: https://wisdomperiodical.com/index.php/wisdom.

Editor of “Teaching Critical Thinking” Section of the journal SCIENTIA PAEDAGOGICA EXPERIMENTALIS (SPE), Belgium. ISSN 0582-2351: https://www.lotuswebtec.com /en/journals/scientia-paedagogica-experimentalis-spe.html

Vestnik Moscow City University Scientific Journal. Series Philosophical Sciences. Moscow (https://old.mgpu.ru/folder/2693).

History and Social Sciences. Yearbook, Ar­­menian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abo­vyan: https://aspu.am/hy/contentezhegodn ikistoriyaiobshchestvovedenie-20161/.

Scientific Periodical Main Issues Of Pedagogy And Psychology, ISSN 1829-1295: https://miopap.aspu.am/index.php/miopap

International editorial board of International Philosophical Academy. Yerevan 2001-2016.

How do I see the philosophy of XXI century, volume 1-9, Yerevan 2004-2009.

The Reports of Scientific Session (December 16-17, 2004), Yerevan 2005.

The Reports of International Scientific Session (March 3, 2006), Yerevan 2006.

Scientific works: Deputy senior editor (2002-2010) of the volume Social Scien­ces (Is being published according to the decision of Yerevan State Linguistic Uni­ver­sity after V. Brusov Scientific Council).

“The Reports of Scientific Session (December 13-14, 2002)”, Yerevan 2003.


1993-1998 - Issues of Parliamentary Argumentation // Republic of Armenia; Yerevan State University /93-409 46/136 - 1993

2015-now: Head of the project of RA Science Committee of RA: The problems of trans­for­mational society: methodological aspects /N 10-5/ I-9 - 2015


Armenian, Russian, English.