Flying to Kuwait

Air Travel and Tickets

ASK provides economy class airplane ticket for recruited employees from the major airport nearest their point of origin to Kuwait via the most direct route. The school does not pay for train, taxi, bus or other fare to or from the airport nearest the employee's point of origin. It is suggested that you keep all tickets and boarding passes in order to register for frequent flyer programs once you get to Kuwait. All new recruited employees will arrive in Kuwait with other hires from the same geographic area. As a general rule, the last leg of the arrival flight is from Doha to Kuwait for North American and European hires. Routes may vary for Australian and New Zealand hires. The school will notify you with details of this flight and will forward tickets to you. If you would like to meet the flight from an alternate point or arrive at an earlier date, please contact the Superintendent‘s Secretary, Rania.

Checked/Excess Baggage


One way of bringing all of your belongings is as extra baggage—most of the time it is the easiest and most reliable way to have most of your belongings arrive when you do. Check with the airlines for prices and size allowances. If you do this, remember to save all of your receipts for reimbursement as directed by the shipping allowance in your contract.

Qatar Airways is ASK‘s usual carrier. It may help to contact the airline before you travel to make arrangements for excess baggage. With many new teachers coming into Kuwait on the same flight, the airlines will appreciate being prepared for an excess of excess baggage and you won‘t run the risk of being turned down at the airport, or having your luggage arrive on a later flight.

Please note that alcohol, pork products, and pornography are illegal and you can be arrested for having these or for attempting to bring them into Kuwait. Personal prescription medicines must always enter the country with you and your baggage in appropriate marked medical bottles.

Label all of your luggage/boxes/crates/trunks with:


American School of Kuwait

Block 7, Al-Muthana Street

Hawalli, Kuwait

On the day you depart from your point of origin, be sure that all of your luggage is checked all the way through to Kuwait airport to lessen the chances of it arriving later than you!

If you absolutely MUST ship your things and require more information, click HERE.