Looking forward to future options

Looking forward

Feel free to use this as a guide to assist students when talking about which subjects would be useful for our most common study destinations.  For students with more 'unique' career options, Please contact our Careers department.

Some information which will be important to note:

University Entrance: 10 credits Numeracy at Level 1 or higher

                                 10 credits of Literacy at Level 2 or higher - 5 credits in Reading, 5 credits in Writing

These do NOT have to be in Mathematics or English however*

14 credits in EACH of 3 APPROVED subjects - NCEA Level 3 Certificate


*If students are thinking of attending The University of Auckland: Students considering attending the University of Auckland should present with 17 credits of English at Level 2 or higher. The 5 Reading and 5 Writing are still required (but can be part of the 17 credits).

Not presenting with the 17 credits will NOT affect their ability to enter The University of Auckland, it will mean they will have a compulsory Academic English paper in the first year however as part of their degree.


In terms of the 3x14 credits:

New rules now exist for Level Three subjects which have multiple 'facets' For example previously students could only use Biology, Chemistry, and Physics separately. New rules means that students can 'mix and match' these subjects together to form another subject 'Science' 

The list of these subjects are:

Common Degree/Career Pathways and Recommended Subjects 

On the whole, there are very few degrees with absolute requirements. These will be listed in bold. All other degrees listed below are recommended subjects (and these are the highest entry criteria so students will have all options open to them).

Remember these are recommended subjects by universities and if students choose not to take them, it does not necessarily restrict them from entry into a chosen pathway.

These degrees are the most common destinations for students from Albany Senior High School over the past 3 years (as in we have had more than 10 students apply). Of course there will be other options and you can see Craig for advice on these.


For students pathwaying out before Year 13:

If ever confronted with 'I don't want to leave before Year 13 because I don't want to 'drop out', here is the guiding vision from the Ministry of Education:

Our Government has set clear and challenging better Public Service targets. 85% of 18 year olds will have achieved NCEA Level 2 or equivalent in 2017.

NCEA Level 2 is the National measure of 'success' at secondary school. All Certificate and Diploma course options are open to students with NCEA Level 2 (some may require specific subjects however). NCEA Level 3 should be for those intending to transition to university/degree level study.


Youth Guarantee Programmes. Because of the Government's targets, ALL Level 1 and 2 certificates at tertiary institutions are FREE. This is up to the age of 25. These courses are very introductory in nature and may suit students who require some type of qualification for more employment related purposes.

There are also a number of qualifications at Level 3 which are fully funded. These Youth Guarantee placements are limited in number and students have to apply for a funded place and/or have an interview. Youth Guarantee places are generally vocational in nature and are usually for students who do not have NCEA Level 2 (There are some exceptions). Most of these courses will require students to have basic literacy and numeracy (Level 1), however some places do not require any formal qualifications. Most Youth Guarantee places include travel costs and full fees paid. Students are unable to access Student Loans for these programmes.

Institutions we have current arrangements for Youth Guarantee places are:


These programmes all contribute credits from the National Qualifications Framework and therefore students can use these credits to gain NCEA certificates as well. The purpose of these programmes is to ensure students leave school to gain minimum Level 2 qualifications and pathway into higher level study if they so wish. These higher level studies will incur normal tertiary costs and Student Loans are available to assist with these. Students who have Level 2 will also generally pathway into Certificate and Diploma courses set at Level 4, 5, and 6.