COVID-19 Info
Reopening Plan
Last Updated/Board Approved August 8, 2023 for Ashland School LEA #0800
For information regarding APS' plan to keep students, staff, and community members safe during the COVID-19 Pandemic, click the links below. The reopening plan is a working document and can be changed as the Board sees fit. See the most recent and updated plan below.
Brief Overview:
Students who feel ill will be directed to the school office and a parent/guardian will be called for pick up.
Students with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be sent home until fever is gone for 24 hours without medication.
Masks are optional, students must provide own mask.
Custodial staff following frequent cleaning protocols around school building.
Follow Rosebud County Health Department protocols and CDC Guidelines.
August 2023
December 2022
August 2020