
Seniors are always well represented in the yearbook because you give so much of yourself to our joint endeavor. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure your content is submitted properly for the yearbook. 

Senior Submissions

All senior content (photos, memories, goals, and quote) will be submitted at one time using our Senior Bio form. This form opens on October 1 and closes on Nov 15. The only exception to using the form is for a senior portrait being submitted by a professional photographer directly to the yearbook. Guidelines for theses submissions can be found on our photography page.

Photos to be submitted

All photos must be 10mb or less. Please verify before submitting. If needed use a photo editing app that can adjust the size precisely without losing quality.

Senior Portrait 

When using a professional photographer for your senior portrait, make sure you follow the following formatting guidelines: (print these requirements out and bring them to the photographer). Please ensure that your photographer has submitted your photo to with the subject line of the email as "the student's Last Name, First Name - Senior Photo." by the Nov 15th deadline. Please also make sure the PICTURE FILE is named "Student's Last Name, First Name." The yearbook office is not responsible for editing your photographs or communicating with your photographer. 


Baby Photos

Your baby photo should be large enough to see your face and should contain an image of only you when you were about 3 or less years of age.

Sibling Photos

Sibling photos are a tradition at AHS. The expectation is that if you have a sibling currently attending AHS with you (twins count!) then you should submit a photo of you and your sibling(s) from any time period, though generally something close to your senior year is best.

Senior Memories Photos

You can submit up to 5 memories photos for the book. Memories photos should contain a minimum of two current AHS seniors but can be from any age. It is great to see a wide variety of memory photos including middle school, Mindess and Warren school events and even class photos. If you would like to submit a photo that is an exception to these instructions, be sure to provide an explanation for the photo. Not all memory photos will be used in the book.

Senior Bio text to be submitted


Create a paragraph of text that captures your brightest memories of your time at AHS. Whether it was a particular class, friends that made you laugh, or an event you will never forget, put it in writing in your senior section using no more than 160 characters.


What is next for you once you leave AHS? Will you travel the world, be a billionaire, have a large family, buy a house in Maine? Whatever you goals are, capture them in 80 or fewer characters to share with your classmates in the yearbook.


Do you have a favorite quote by an inspirational figure or from a book you've read? Perhpas there is something one of your favorite characters in a TV show said that you really think captures your essence? Put the quote in the yearbook and be sure to identify the source of the quote. It will stand for all time in our yearbook.

Senior Will Explained

The Senior Will is an opportunity for every senior to recognize a non-senior by "leaving" something in their will to that person or entity (someone/something that will be in the building next year). This is an old tradition in many yearbooks that we are bringing back to Ashland this year. The Senior Will can be a sincere, heartfelt expression, or can be a humorous expression of appreciation. Example: Scott McReap leaves his 82 lost pencils to the incoming Algebra II students in Mr. O'Leary's class. This may reflect an experience Scott had as a student Junior year and perhaps reflects on the struggle to stay organized while also acknowledging the teacher and class. There is a "What": the item being left, and there is a "To Whom": the entity to which the item is being left. 

 Open the Senior Bio Form - Submit no later than November 15th