Homework Policy

Overwhelmingly, research has been unable to prove that homework in the lower elementary grades actually improves student performance. Which is why, the pink homework sent home is OPTIONAL. However, research has shown when families spend time together, students achieve much more. We are going to ask that you spend your evenings doing things that are proven to correlate with student success…eat dinner as a family, read together, play outside and get your child to bed early.

I believe in the strengths, talents, passions, and interests of our students. As a result, it is my hope students will utilize “at-home” time to learn to be life long, responsible, self-directed learners who:

Read, read, read –Read a variety of texts for pleasure and visit the library.

Take time to pursue their passions and interests –From sports to the arts to scientific experiments to research or deeper reading on a topic of study from class to helping cook dinner and so much more!

Work toward personal learning goals –These might be benchmarks to master [think learning all the letters and their sounds or sight words, to counting and recognizing numerals to 100], or challenge activities to take them above and beyond grade level expectations.

I hope our “optional homework policy” will encourage creativity, curiosity, and family time. Through self-directed learning at home, students can purposefully and joyfully choose what and how they learn, develop intrinsic motivation and a growth mindset. It is my hope students will ultimately develop personal responsibility and self-reflection skills that lead to a love of learning as well as success in school and life.

Class Code: Q832L

September order due: 9.24.19

October order due: 10.22.19

November order due: 11.25.19

December order due: 12.8.19