Opening Hours

Opening Hours:

Mondays - Fridays (excluding Wednesdays): 8:00 - 16:00

Wednesdays: closed after school for staff meetings and PD half-days


Students are free to come to the library before and after school and during any of their breaks during the day. The library is a space for reading, listening, creating, learning, exploring, and relaxing. Students are encouraged to ask library staff for assistance with assignments and projects. Keep in mind that school laptops are for school use only and that all online resources are accessible 24/7 from any computer. eBooks and eAudiobooks are also available through OverDrive.


Parents are welcome to visit the middle school library during library hours, but please be aware that classes may be in session. Elementary school children who visit the middle school library before and after school must be accompanied by an adult. Please be aware that tutors and students may be using the library for study and quiet reading. Note: the high school library has extended hours until 6:00 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.


Feel free to pop in any time. Please email the librarian if you would like to set up a meeting to collaborate on a unit or if you have specific materials you need (or wish to order).

Contact Information

Ms. (Robin) Christopher, middle school librarian,