Visiting ASFM

We welcome most university representatives for our annual college fair (part of the Mexico College Fair Tour held each year in early to mid October), and throughout the school year. We appreciate your willingness to come to Monterrey, and offer several possible ways for you to meet with our students if you aren't able to make it to the college fair. Please understand that we are unable to accommodate visits from commission-based agents, and also from for-profit institutions in the United States.

  • If you would like to make an appointment for a school visit, please email one of the counselors.

  • For a regular school visit, we set up a table accessible for high school students the high school access/break periods or lunch period. Students are notified through the school newsletter, Maia Learning, & bulletin board, and social networks to come and speak with you at this time. In some cases we have universities offer after-school or evening presentations for students and parents, depending upon the level of student interest.