Senior English

Welcome to Ms.Surzyn’s SENIOR ENGLISH!

I’m looking forward to an exciting and creative year with the senior class. This year is an incredible chance for you to grow and develop – make sure you take every opportunity and make the best of it. To be successful, make an honest effort to improve yourself everyday by learning and practicing important skills. Never be afraid to ask for help - I’m here to help you learn everyday. Remember: It’s not about being the best. It’s about being better than you were yesterday.

This course focuses on modern and contemporary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Students will learn to read critically and write effectively in a variety of genres. The essential question driving the course is this: How can critical literacy help me to become an informed and responsible member of the community?

All Senior English Course Materials are available here

Ms. Alicja 2018-19 College Preparatory English 12 Syllabus