Research Paper


Research Paper Requirements

The research paper is graded holistically based on this rubric. Get to know this rubric VERY WELL. It outlines clearly what you need to do in order to produce a successful research paper. The slides below with the criteria break down the rubric more carefully.

Academic Paper Rubric.pdf


AP Research Performance Task:
Grading Criteria for the Research Paper (from CB) + Scores for Sample Papers

Since every one in the class will be designing their own unique research approach, you will need to do independent reading specific to your plan. Dissertation Recipes is an amazing resource for different issues you will come across during your research journey.

Academic Paper Requirements

Brainstorming & Choosing a Topic

Every student who has taken this course will advise you to choose a topic you are very interested in since this is what you'll be focused on all year. So to summarize, CHOOSE WISELY! What are you curious about? What new information would you like to discover? How would you like to contribute to the body of knowledge? Remember: questions, rather than statements should be your guide!


Choosing Your Research Project.pdf

Deciding on a research topic means getting to know what kind of researcher you are.

A good way to find out what you're interested in is by reading widely. Take a look at the research submitted for The National Conference on Undergraduate Research.

Go back to your Summer Assignment and the Interest Inventory if you are rethinking your topic. Which discipline interests you the most? What is happening within this discipline that is worth researching?

2019 Disciplines of Research

Research Question & Proposal

Reading - Research Question

Creating a Research Question - The Bedford Researcher.pdf

Reading - What are Hypotheses?

What are Hypotheses.pdf
Understanding Variables and Hypotheses

Intro: Lit Review

A Lit Review is similar to Capstone Seminar papers because here is where you synthesize the current knowledge about your specific topic. You need to read A LOT of credible sources before starting your Lit Review and your intro because this reading will help you identify the gap in the knowledge and help you situate your own research. Make sure to take advantage of a robust Reading Record where you carefully keep track of all your sources (even ones you may not like at first, you never know where your research journey will take you!). Make sure to find peer reviewed articles to support your research.


Writing a Literature Review.pdf
Rhetorical Precis.pdf
Phrases to Use When Summarizing Studies
Rhetorical Précis

Method, Process or Approach

Aligning Inquiry Approach and Method

Results, Products or Findings

Results and Analysis Section Guide.docx
Student Copy Results - Organizing and Discussing Results of your Method

Discussion, Analysis and/or Evaluation

Descriptive Statistics.pdf

Conclusion and Future Directions

Conclusion and Future Directions Section Guide
Bibliography and Style Section Guide

Peer Checklists for your Research Paper

INTRO to Research Paper Peer Checklist
Peer Edit Checklist for Research Paper