Science Lab Rules and Procedures

Science Lab Rules

Ninja Entrance and Exit - We come into class quietly without touching anything. Most classes we go to our table and do a warm-up for the first 5 minutes of class. When we leave the lab it should look like we were never there!

Raise Hands - We love to talk about our work and comment or ask question to Ms. Lisa, put up your hand and I can help you easier.

Follow Directions - Sometimes there are many steps to create a piece of artwork, if you are listening and following the directions, you will get the result you want!

Be Sweet - Be kind and respectful of all the scientists in our lab. Everyone has a different "style" so we must allow every scientist to feel great about the work they do!

Explore and Discover - We will use our minds and imagination to help understand our world.

Volume Control - When we talk about science with each other we need to speak in soft inside voices so everyone can hear.

Sparkling Clean-up - When it is time to clean up, everyone helps out at the table in our science lab, tools and materials are clean and ready for the next group or the next time we work together!

Scientist Expectations

ALWAYS do your BEST.

RESPECT each other.

TRY everything with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE.


STAY on task.

Allow yourself to be wrong and make mistakes. They are important in learning!!

Grading policy

Students are expected to have regular attendance, consistent participation and obey the science lab rules & expectation. Keeping up with lab work, making a conscientious effort and being a responsible student in the science lab will help you succeed.