Expectations & Policies


Please communicate with me, outside of classroom hours, via email: Samantha.Hughes@asfg.edu.mx

Classroom Expectations, Policies and Procedures

Common High School Rules 

Community Contributor (Behavior) Grades:   Learning habits like tardiness, neatness, names on papers, hand raising, submitting parent signatures, and completion of homework can count for up to 10% of your grade in this class.  The rest of your grade will be based on your performance and mastery of the material.

Cellphones and other electronic devices - must be silenced and remain in cellphone holders, unless the teacher has given permission to use them.  Headphones may only be used with teacher permission. 

Late work:  Late homework and projects will only be assessed one school class meeting day beyond the due date and with 50% off the assessed grade, and only if it is quality work. After that, the homework should still be completed so the student is prepared for the assessment, but it will be given a zero. 

Tardies: After 10 minutes, these are unjustified absences.  Students late to 1st period must get an office pass first.  Work missed during the first minutes of class can’t be made up. No extra time will be given on assessments.  Work due at the beginning of class will be graded as late work. 

Justified Absences: Students have one school day for each day missed to make up work.  The student is responsible for establishing communication to schedule make-up work. For “On Campus Absences”, students should still hand in work and do assessments on the same due date, by the end of the day.  

Unjustified Absences: Assignments will receive a 0%, even if completed before the absence.  

Spoken Spanish vs English in classes - Teachers may include language use in the course Community Contributor grade .

Academic Dishonesty: Unless otherwise specified by the classroom teacher, all work handed in by a student needs to demonstrate one’s individual performance and knowledge.  The following issues will cause a student to receive a zero on any type of assignment, project, or assessment.  

Grade Categories

Based on the ASFG Mission Statement:

Educating students in a bilingual, bicultural and secular environment to be purposeful learners, critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators and community contributors, based on a foundation of honor, freedom and commitment.

Instead of exams, you’ll have interdisciplinary assessments. These apply to four classes: World History, Mexican History/Cívica, Spanish, and English. These assessments happen at the end of each quarter. 

World History and Geography 

The student contributes to a positive learning environment through conscientious preparedness and reflection. He or she demonstrates personal integrity through behavior that is respectful, responsible, open-minded, honest, and kind.  Student participates collaboratively with team members, using positive interpersonal skills.  Student develops leadership skills while modeling being an engaged, inquisitive, and proactive learner.


AP Human Geography 

The student contributes to a positive learning environment through conscientious preparedness and reflection. He or she demonstrates personal integrity through behavior that is respectful, responsible, open-minded, honest, and kind.  Student participates collaboratively with team members, using positive interpersonal skills.  Student develops leadership skills while modeling being an engaged, inquisitive, and proactive learner.
