Referral Process Through on-line Learning

Warning Signs

Online learning can be challenging sometimes. Changes in your child's daily routine, lack of clear boundaries at home, not seeing their regular group of friends, illness in a family member, and many other issues that Covid-19 has brought to us, may affect your child's mood or behavior.

Paying attention to the following symptoms and reaching for adequate help may help your child transition a difficult stage in a smoother way.

  • Frequent sadness

  • Tearfulness, or crying

  • Feelings of hopelessness

  • Withdrawal from friends and activities

  • Lack of enthusiasm or motivation

  • Decreased energy level

  • Major changes in eating or sleeping habits

  • Increased irritability,

  • agitation, anger or hostility

  • Frequent complaints such as headaches and stomachaches

  • Indecision or inability to concentrate, think or make decisions

  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt

  • Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure

  • Pattern of dark images in drawings or paintings

  • Play/interaction that involves excessive aggression directed toward oneself or others, or involves persistently sad themes

  • Recurring thought of death

  • Excessive worry or anxiety

  • Bored most of the time

  • Does not take pleasure in things he or she used to enjoy

*If any of these are present, please fill out the following form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.